Sunday, June 7, 2020

anger owns fear

Guesssss who's depressed again!

I try every day to fight this shit... but it appears the universe only wants to see me sad. Smiles and happiness... and dreams-- dude, I reached the level where I actually looked forward to the future and had fucking DREAMS-- just are not meant for your girl right here.

I guess on the positive side, the sadness has done wonders for my fear. Fear levels are at an all time low. Now I'm just angry:
"If I catch this fucking virus because of you and your endless goddamn need to go to the grocery store every other day, I'M COMING BACK TO HAUNT YOUR FUCKING ASS!"
That sort of deal.

My kids are great. The oldest is wild as shit, and he doesn't really like me anymore... but he's still fantastic. I get it. I'm hard to even like.

But the sadness... it just exists... it lingers... it intensifies at random times like psoriasis flare ups.
I just have to learn to thread carefully.

I hope to one day be on the ascent again.