Sunday, September 6, 2009


I leave for Mexico again tonight.

My grandma just passed away...

I've never screamed for anyone like that before...

this hurts.

I have the problem where I seem to think my loved ones will live forever...
once they do go, I feel... surprised... even if they WERE in their 80s... with broken bones... and the worst case of senile dementia.
They're MY loved ones. THEY WON'T DIE.


Poor grandma...
poor mom... her birthday's Wednesday...

At least... I'll have great memories with my grandma, right?
I mean... I WAS the only one who could make her laugh this summer... (I'd sing on guitar hero, and she'd laugh at me... which I didn't mind, because I do anything to make people smile, and to make HER smile, in all that anguish she was in... I'd do ANYTHING, even if it meant having the rest of town think I was crazy with my wail-singing in the mornings and evenings. "WHY DO THEY ALWAYS SEND THE POOOOOOOR!!?!" hahaha)

Abuela, la adoro!!!!
Thank you for EVERYTHING you ever gave me... and I wish I had one one-hundredth of the courage and patience you had.
And thanks for my mean-mug... I represent Garcia to the max with that bad boy!


Native Minnow said...

I'm sorry. I thought this year was supposed to be better for you and your family. I hope things look up soon.


Native Minnow said...

I did visit my grandparents recently, in part because I was thinking about this. I'll likely be losing one of them in the next few months, so I wanted to make sure I saw her while she's in the care center. She's 92 and ready, but it's still going to suck when it happens. That said, I didn't stay longer than about an hour, so I feel like a bad person.

Qulls said...

well, i do had lost someone...
its my father..
i lost him on 06..i was only 12 that time..
he's a great lovin father...
maybe...i understand your feeling..
so..cheer up...