Thursday, September 4, 2008

Note to self No. 236465

When taking a shower, and it comes time to scrub your face, do not, I REPEAT: DO NOT inhale in any way while the soap suds are still on your face.

I nearly killed myself today.
It would have been an embarrassing way to go, too.
Imagine... I'm minding my own business, taking a shower after the most arduous (DANCE-FREE!) kickboxing class that left me drenched in sweat.
Everything was fine... up until the scrubbing of the face.
I love soap suds... so I usually have a ton of them on my... what are they called? It's not a loofah... but one of those... I call them "bath thingies" made of like... bundled up... plastic? I don't know.
Anyway, it came time to scrub my face... it had a bunch of soap... and for some reason... I had the desire to... I guess... sigh... and yes, my mouth was covered by the soap... and BAM! I started to choke.
I swallowed more soap than I imagined... 'cause I started hacking up soap suds like some rabid dog.
The taste sucked... my lungs hurt... and I was coughing so viciously that I almost passed out.
The only thing that kept me sane and coherent in that moment?

So... after about half an hour (yeah, I kid you not!), I went to my sister's room,

Don't worry, I'm alive!
Sister: Oh... I thought you were barfing...

then I continued to spit out soap for another hour.

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

Native Minnow said...

This is sooo funny.

Note to self, don't inhale the suds.