Wednesday, November 26, 2008

This or that

Forgive and forget? It's all good, babe, it hurt like super concentrated nitric acid running down my throat... but I love you and that's all that will ever matter.


Fuck that shit! Ignore, IGNORE, IGNORE! Have some self respect, you idiot!


I fear I'm giving these kids the impression that they can step all over me... (I mean, yeah, I'm generally a good person... but come on... there comes a point where this "niceness" must be considered idiocy... and I'm pretty sure I'm crossing that line)
I'm going to be a horrible mom (I can be such a heartless bitch with people... why not them? Note to self: DON'T EVER EVER EVER HAVE KIDS!!).

1 comment:

Kelley Karas said...

Don't go. Seriously. Once you establish that it's okay to be inconsiderate to you... It will keep happening. People don't change unless they want to. I know that's sucky and it doesn't feel good to say or hear, but it's true.