Saturday, January 9, 2010

40+ NOT welcome

Operation "I'm Happy!" is in full swing, and so far, so good.
I did have a minor relapse on Thursday, however, it was only because I had to go to a funeral.

Now that I mention the funeral, let me just put this out there:

If you're over 40 years old and your highest level of education reached is below high school: DON'T YOU DARE holler at me.

I was standing next to Mom and TravelinDin as Mom gave her condolences to the son of the dead lady, when the guy next to him spoke up.
Creepy Guy (totally in his 40's, he was the only man NOT wearing a suit. Fuckin' bumming it with a hoodie): *Mom* is that you?!
Mom: Yes, it's me *Creepy Guy*
CG: Well, don't just stand there, hug me!

(sis and I stare at each other, and decide to start walking away)

CG: And who are these beauties?
Mom: Them? They're my daughters.
CG: Very gorgeous girls! Beautiful! Amazing! Gorgeousss!
(Stupid ass TravelinDin's head was in the clouds or some shit, as she stood in my way, impeding me from rushing out of the building and getting the fuck away from that creep)
Mom: Well, you're telling me. They're my daughters, of course I'm going to agree.
(Mom starts walking away and DUMB SHIT sister wasn't moving! I was getting ready to punch her)
CG: Hey, Mom (he said it in Spanish, the equivalent of "mother-in-law")!
Other dude standing by: Shhh! Shut up, idiot.

I wanted to vomit. It didn't help that the little fiasco occurred inside the chapel, at a very audible volume.
Fucking crazy bastard. I don't know what about me screams "Don't have a job/tact/future? Holler at me! I'll take you!" But... if that type of dude is my only hope for marriage, then God, please kill me! I'll slit my own throat if that's what I have to look forward to. No.

Aside from this uncomfortable encounter, I did bump into the girls involved in the Bellagio Weekend Fight. Instead of ignoring them or downright fighting them, I decided to mend fences. I hugged them and chatted for about 20 minutes, then went on my merry way.

Being nice is... nice.

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