Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sorry, no time

What a week.

I.. well, I sort of don't know where to start... but here's a lame attempt (with tons of spelling errors, cause dude, I've been away from the English language for a while).

1. The toll of assassinated people down here went past 10... for the week.
(It was so fucking violent. There were some accidents... like this one boy who accidentally shot his mom and killed her... and then there were the fucking terrifying... like this one vengeance killing. They shot 3 family members, right? Only one of them died, so the other two were being transported by the ambulance to the nearest hospital [about 30 minutes away]. Well, these same killers stopped the ambulance, pulled the driver out saying "This isn't with you" then opened fire on the ambulance... with AK47's and just... fulminated it with bullets [is fulminate a word? it is in Mexico!]. Then there was this other one, at a Palenque [cockfights where they have singers later on in the night], where some dudes just opened fire on the crowd, killing 4, including a drug boss... then the cartel got angry and killed some of those hitmen. I mean... it's BAD right now... I don't know what the fuck I'm doing over here at the interent cafe... exposing my life like this. Damn blogger!)

2. One of my good friends got a little too fucked up... then her dad came over and accused us of being bad influences.
(Bull-fucking-shit. Ok, this girl, who's about 5 feet tall claims not to be a lightweight. So, she downed a half-bottle of tequila... and within 30 minutes, she was blacking out and freaking us all out... then came the worst part...)

3. We upset my 19-year-old friend (you know, the one that was 18 last year... that I sort of had a crush on?)
(Ok, so he lives in the biggest house in town, right?-- his dad was that huge drug lord back in the day who was killed 6 years ago-- and he's home alone, so he wanted to 1. Play guitar hero with me [we make the best Expert team possible... gold starring shit and whatnot, I mean, he's my idol now] 2. Drink with the ladies. Everything was going great up until my short friend started blacking out... and we took her upstairs to the bedrooms to fix her up. Well, my other friend had the bright idea of taking ShortFriend to 19YOF's mom's bedroom since it had a bathroom. Of course, 19YOF wasn't around at the time to protest. He just came up to the room and freaked. "DON'T YOU KNOW A FATHER'S ROOM IS SACRED?!" And then we all felt bad. I only felt bad because I knew how upset he must have been, since I've always known how special his mom is about that room... especially now, after her husband, the love of her life, died. What was worse, the ShortFriend was all fucked up, her makeup smeared and vomit on her lips, went and threw herself on 19YOF's mom's bed... that had a white, silk comforter... She vomitted all over the black marble floor... and... sweet God... it was BAD. Now 19YOF doesn't let us in the house unless it's just me, him, my sis, and his cousin. Poor kid...)

4. I was sick as a dog...
(no need for further explanation here... just that I was sick, vomitting all over the place)

5. The weddings are upon us.
(They start today... fun)

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