Wednesday, February 18, 2015

We're not old enough for this conversation

Random phone calls from far off lands brighten my life.

I have a very fuzzy memory from my time in Athens where I had a little too much ouzo and wine, and not enough carbohydrates.
Everything was fine and dandy... I remember a lot of laughing... and feeling good.
Then it was time for bed... and everyone retreated to his or her room.
I decided this would be the time to profess my love for someone... all while crying over the tragedy of the whole scenario.

Like I said, it's fuzzy as shit, and quite frankly, I have no clue what the fuck triggered this weird confession, but I just decided to say (on loop) "I love him. I fucking love him. I sit and think about it... and realize I fucking love him. And I RUINED IT!"
Who was I talking about? JC.

Only one person heard this confession... at least that's what I think happened.
Today, I JC randomly called me in the morning, and after a few minutes of small talk, he let it slip that he had spoken with Pacemaker before calling me.
Pacemaker was the one person who heard my confession.
Coincidence? I hope so. I hope she's a tomb as far as my idiotic drunk confessions go.

But it sure was nice hearing this kid again... he made me laugh again.

Do I love him? Not like that, but I will forever be grateful for being the person he is with me... for making me feel like a fucking person even when I was at my fattest, for (sometimes forcefully) coaxing me out of my shell.
I'll forever love him for being my most random friend who intuitively knows what to say and when to say it.

And may he never hear of this drunk indiscretion of mine. Fucking embarrassing.

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