Friday, August 1, 2014

La buena onda

Yeah... I'm definitely dying soon...

What the fuck is going on, Universe?
The craziest part was that this was from a dude... dudes are NEVER nice to me when intoxicated (well, I have had a couple of "I LOVE YOU!" texts from drunk guys... only to be followed by something along the lines of "you're such a bitch!" a couple of hours later... or a straight up phone call where he professes his love to me and then proceeds to berate me for ten minutes, telling me what a fucking idiot I am, a la JC).

Ok, I'll confess something: I'm going to Mexico on Monday... on a bus...
So, that's why I'm a little uneasy over the sudden influx of positivity towards me from my friends... that shit usually occurs when someone's about to croak.

(But I AM happy and appreciative of the kindness... one day I'll learn to handle it without freaking out and getting paranoid)

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