Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Finally! A new pad!

You know you're a cheap-skate when you buy yourself a 5 dollar sketchbook and you act like you just bought yourself a laptop.- Little Sister

I filled up my old sketchbook of 5 years back in October... and I had tried settling for its bigger version ever since.
While the larger version is cool... and I have used it to make larger drawings... nothing beats the smaller doodles.

I can finally satiate my desire to doodle without having to whip out a huge, super-noticeable note pad.

So when I noticed the sketchpad at OfficeMax today, I practically skipped all the way to the cash register.
Little Sister doesn't understand how such simplistic b.s. makes me happy.

Frankly, neither do I
(I guess I'm like... super Mexican-Farmer or something).


Native Minnow said...

I got all excited when I bought a $3 box of colored pencils to spice up my depiction of the view from my bedroom window. You're not the only one who is easily pleased.

AnoMALIE said...

Ha, yesterday I happened to buy colored pencils along with my sketchbook.
Originally they were going to cost me $7.50 because I was in the "good" side of town... so I drove to the ghetto and got them for $2.50 instead.
That right there, made me feel like a genius.