Friday, February 21, 2014

Legs for days

Last night I had a very vivid, somewhat disturbing dream.

I was in Mexico, excited and sad about being in front of my abandoned house.
As I approached the front door, I saw the window was open, and through the mesh cover, I saw what I thought was Tyson, happily wagging his tail (looking like he's about to bust at the seams with excitement, my baby) as he stared at me from the middle of the living room.
"TYSON!!" I screamed and ran at the door. I started speaking to "Tyson" in the voice I typically spoke to him... the voice I used to baby him.
As I babied Tyson, I saw he was really a slender boxer dog, whose brindle coat made me think he was my little Tyson.
I felt embarrassed for having been stupid enough to think Tyson was still alive, and to have confused him for this boxer. The embarrassment turned to sadness and heartbreak, remembering he's really just dead.
Instead of fearing this strange dog, I proceeded to open the front door carefully, still talking as sweetly as possible to this dog. The dog licked my hands, then ran outside.
As I stepped into the living room, I was quickly horrified into stillness as I saw two perfectly dismembered feet (cut directly below the knee. Intact calf muscle, and feet) in the middle of the room. They were young feet, still in the strappy platform heels the unfortunate victim must have been wearing. The toes were perfectly manicured with white polish... but the toes were horribly curled into each other.

I stood in the living room, trying to breathe as quietly as possible, panicked at the thought that the ones responsible for the dismemberment could still be in my house, hearing me.
I darted my eyes around the room, and after seeing no one was in my immediate quarters, I ran for the front door and ran into the street.
The day had started to turn to night, and as I kept my eyes on my front door, my neighbors startled me as they bumped into me, laughing.

I then woke up, saw it was five in the morning... and my heart was beating so hard, I could feel it in my throat.

As is customary, I looked up the meaning of this jacked up dream online... because I like that shit... especially when the dream is so vivid and refuses to leave my mind.

Apparently, to dream of dismemberment: suggests that some situation or circumstance is falling apart in your waking life. You feel cut off, isolated and disempowered. You may also be experiencing some great and significant loss. You are feeling a loss of power, potential, or identity.
To see feet/legs in dreams: feet represents mobility, independence and freedom. Perhaps you have taken a step in the right direction and are contemplating your goals or your next step.  The sole of the foot may be a pun of being or feeling like the "sole" or only support of some person or situation. In particular for the people of India, to dream of the feet may symbolize divine qualities since the feet are considered the holiest part of the body. To dream that your leg is broken, wounded or crippled signifies a lack of balance, autonomy, or independence in your life. You may be unable or unwilling to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you are lacking courage and refuse to make a stand. If you dream that someone has one leg, then it refers to some sort of failing relationship.
My faithful dog, who turned out to NOT be my dog? To see a dog in your dream symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success. The dream dog may also represent someone in your life who exhibits these qualities. Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten.
To see a happily barking dog in your dream symbolizes pleasures and social activity. You are being accepted into some circle.

And to be scared at sundown? night may be synonymous with death, rebirth, reflection, and new beginnings. To dream that it is night time, but it is still as bright as day, indicates that you now have clarity and insight into a once unclear situation. Something that was previously hidden is now being revealed to you. To see the sunset in your dream indicates the end of a cycle or condition. It is a period of rest, contemplation and evaluation. To dream that you are scared indicates that you are experiencing feelings of self-doubt, incompetence, and lack of control in your waking life. Perhaps you are having second thoughts about a decision you have made. Anger often masquerades as fear, so also consider issues about which you are angry about in your waking life.

That's nice. Yeah.

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