Saturday, February 15, 2014

Mains ripping out Manes

Ahhhh, Valentine's Day aftermath.
I don't know about you guys, but I had a decent day... except that my "aftermath" sucked: woke up at 3:30 AM to vomit my chocolate cake overindulgence. I now can't think of chocolate without feeling my stomach kick the shit out of me... even typing the word produces an involuntary gag reflex.

But enough of that, I'm trying to keep my food in.
I noticed a lot of hate, as expected, but also an unnaturally high number of girls posting "side chick" related shit. Apparently there are a lot of "side chicks" out there, and everyone's a "main bitch."
My take is this: if you're such a "main" why the fuck are you so concerned about the "sides" and more importantly, why the fuck are you always complaining about your guy and how guys are so fucking useless etc. etc. Wouldn't a dude who considered you his "main" refuse to treat you like shit AS OFTEN as you post all your angry, man-hating rants?

I am no one's "main", (ok! this is a question regarding grammar! You see what I just did there with the comma? I was taught to place the comma INSIDE the parenthesis... yet recently, I've seen people from all walks of academia place it WITHIN the parenthesis... this drives me batshit crazy. I need answers! I haven't been in school in seven years... rules can change in that amount of time, right? I hate this shit) much less their "side" so I don't really mention this or care about it. It's only when I see seven fucking girls on my FB and IG timeline bring up the Main VS Side Chick shit that I'm sort of forced to form an opinion.
My opinion? DUMB. If you suspect your man of having a side chick, dump the fucker. If you suspect you're a side chick, dump the motherfucker. If the guy lacks respect and refuses to make time for you, why the fuck are YOU wasting YOUR time on him? Are you that scared of being alone? Being alone is actually pretty fun... unless you're boring as fuck and can't entertain yourself... which... if you can't entertain yourself, how the fuck can you believe you can entertain others?

Ugh... too much shit talking going on from me, so I think I'll shut up.

In summation:
Don't be a side chick.
Don't settle for being a "main" chick.
You deserve to be THE ONLY chick (unless you're down with swinging or open relationships, then by all means, fuck as many folks as you both agree are cool).

Girls, I swear.


KK said...

I didn't know this was actually a thing...

AnoMALIE said...

apparently it is, with my ghetto-tastic friends. I wasn't aware I was "Friends" with so many scandalous dirty girls... hahaha