Friday, February 7, 2014

Happy tears?

I keep thinking I'm going to update... and I start, but then I have to leave, or fall asleep, so I never finish anything.

But I am still happy. So fucking happy.
And busy.
And... I'm having a good time.
And I'm not TOO paranoid about all of this exploding, and then being unable to put the pieces back together once it does.

I'm happy. I'm smiling A LOT. I'm seeing faces I hadn't seen in years... I'm meeting new, wonderful people.
I mean... this is all so... it's all going so smoothly, I get all fucking emotional and just... look up into the sky and mouth "thank you" to whoever, WHATever is responsible for this turn of events.
Sometimes, I even find myself crying-- nothing loud or scandalous, just me sitting there, quietly, tears rolling down my face out of sheer... joy? Gratitude? Whatever it is, it's new, and something I thought I'd never experience-- something I WASN'T MEANT to experience--and now that it's making a strange little vacation home in my heart, I don't know what to do... I just... cry.

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