Monday, April 21, 2014

Sinceridad de una sonrisa

The sun was beginning to set. We were in the middle of a very green park... a clearing in the forest, as the final rays of sunlight warmed our skin. Again, everything was silent. Again, an overwhelming sense of tranquility... serenity ruled. Again, we weren't saying a word.
And he was just smiling... that gorgeous smile that just... tickles my heart. The smile that melts my very cold heart.
His very white, perfect teeth. His endearing dimples. His dark eyes.
No words or laughter, just staring off into the distance, and smiling, with the occasional moment of eye-contact.
Cool breeze on my face, and unable to control a smile from crossing my face at the mere sight of him being... happy.

And just like that, all progress-- my best up to date-- went to hell.
The dream was random, an absolute surprise attack from my unconscious.
I had not gone to bed thinking about him, in fact, he hadn't crossed my mind in a while. I was too angry to give a shit about anything in this universe besides lying bitches playing me dirty. Lying, inconsiderate, manipulative bitches.

I woke up with a smile... which eventually turned to a frown.
I love the peace these dreams bring to my being... but I hate the empty feeling I'm left to deal with once I wake.

Whether it's Tyson quietly keeping me company as I sit in my backyard's porch... or Darcy keeping me company in some mysterious forest as we idly stare at nature... these dreams give the most inexplicable peace to my soul as I sleep, only to have me wake up to the fucking aching pain of knowing the absolute loneliness... the emptiness that actually surrounds and resides.

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