Sunday, February 25, 2007

However will I slouch?

This damned injury is still there... making it difficult for me to sit. By difficult, I mean I can't slouch as usual. I must keep an upright position and walk like a stuffy jerk. Good for my posture, not my "cool" status.

Somehow this weekend has spiraled into a crappy one. I thought it'd be a good weekend... packed with fun studying. By fun I mean "useful" and "any" studying.
Instead, by body's had none of that. I've sat at home, gotten my butt massaged, played some dumb game on my cell phone (Chainz in case anyone was wondering... level 27), and gotten hot towel treatments on my lower back... with the occasional burn on the ass (how Bam endured all that branding on his ass for Jackass I haven't a clue).
I also received some "bad" news from my folks. I feel uncomfortable disclosing it... but I'll just leave it at the news being of a somewhat frivolous nature, but still capable of bumming us all out. Stupid city of Las Vegas... and Real Estate agents.

Then came the conversation from hell with an aunt. She made the huge mistake of asking me what I was planning on doing with my Biology degree.
What can you do with that?
I sat in silence for a couple of seconds... trying to come up with the correct terms in Spanish to explain it all. After sitting in silence for a while (not being able to solve the really difficult cell phone game I was playing at the time added to this long pause), and having my 19-year-old cousin get away from her dish washing duty to chime in with a:
Yeah, what are you gonna do?
I shrugged my shoulders and said:
I don't know.
My aunt then added:
Well, I mean, besides teaching, what can you do?
I love this lady, she's great, but when you get into school issues with me, I tend to become rude and bitchy.
I'd never be a teacher. I hate kids, I have no patience with them, and they drive me insane. School drives me insane. I'm dying for it to be over.
Well then, what can you do with a Biology degree?
(Become a circus clown in Colombia that gets shot and killed by a rival gang, then have my death reported on sensationalized Spanish new shows like Primer Impacto... I DON'T KNOW!)
I can...
(Shit... what's the word for research?)
go to medical school-- but I don't want to do that anymore-- become a teacher like you said, I can... I don't know. There's lots of things I can do. I just want to get out right now and then figure it out. I don't know.
(I can be a lame-o who writes Bio textbooks with typos every other word. I can become a "flavorologist" in the Greater Manchester area in England. I can be at the beck and call of someone smarter than me who's doing research on desert tortoises. I can recite to you the different steps involved in the Calvin Cycle... WITH structures. I can travel with the National Geographic channel and help deliver bottled water to the smart geologists. I can do a lot of things, damn it! How do I say it in Spanish! I can help develop dish-washing soap for Palmolive, for Pete's sake!)
My aunt looked at me... my cousin "eh"ed (and continued washing the dishes), and I rolled my eyes and went back to the difficult picture game on my cell phone.
While rolling my eyes at Mom merits a slap on the shoulder from her, I got nothing for doing it to my lovely aunt... just the horrible guilt of knowing I pulled a move "tweens" are best known for.

So yeah... aside from the nice game on my cell phone... I think this blog is what keeps me from bursting out into tears while screaming "My life sucks right now!"
I blame my upcoming twenty-second birthday on the emotional wreckage I am right now.

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