Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mexicans rock his world too!

Into my 5th hour of studying Molecular Biology this afternoon, I overheard Little Sister talking to her... best friend? ex-best-friend-who-is-now-forgiven?... let's just call her the buddy I so lovingly ::scoff:: call "Twiggy."

LS: Omg... really??
LS: So who was there?
LS: That is so cool... girl, that is so cool. I'm jealous.

Little Sister did not sound so "jealous" to me.
When she hung up the phone, I asked what was going on.

LS: Ehh... well, Twiggy was saying how David Beckham was at the Chipotle across school like two hours ago.
Me: ?!?!?!?
LS: Yeah... some dude... I can't remember his name... he's the president of something at school... he was interviewing him or some shit.
Me: ?!?!?!?
Why the fuck am I never around when something so indescribably awesome happens around campus?
I'm there when the AC decides it wants to go on strike... or when there's been an outbreak of fruitflies in the bio building (those little guys know how to go up nostrils and eyes like nobody's business)... or when ants decide they want to take up residence on my favorite wall/sitting area... but I'm never there when someone gets runover at "suicide crosswalk" or when some soccer star is in a building that sells (faaaake!! Ok, maybe not their barbacoa... mmm) Mexican food... I know how to make Mexican food!

At least it wasn't Cristiano Ronaldo.

God... how I needed this break.
I was seeing way too much shit an associating it all with Molecular concepts.
You know that AOL logo that appears right before you're going to get connected? Ok, maybe you don't since I'm probably one of the only fucking losers left in the universe that still uses dial-up (I'm praying to God that soon we'll get cable in this fucking cave we call a home).
Well, it has this picture of three little dudes all over each other waving at you like "come right in, buddy!" and as I was staring at them eagerly waiting to get connected and read my spam, I thought "Why the hell has AOL decided to use TFIID,A,B as a graphic?"

Yes... I needed this break.

But all good things must come to an end... so now I must go back to drinking my Redbull and talking/screaming to myself and drawing and re-writing bullshit notes on a subject I will no longer use in my real life come 8PM, December 12th, 2007.

Ta-ta (boxxxxx!)!
(see, this bullshit consumes my everyday life! G-damn you, biology!)


Mooney said...

Dude, I've been leaving you comments but I don't think they get uploaded. My blackberry is being gay. >:[

If you want to get your eyes checked, I work the 12th, 13th, and 16th at the Fashion Show location. My pops is coming in on Thursday, or as he likes to say it, Tursday.

Talk to ya later, prima.

P.S. She's talking to "Twiggy" again??

AnoMALIE said...

A! Que bueno que me dices! I was beginning to think you didn't love me anymore.


I think I'll drop by "Tursday"... pero que horas estas libre? Or I mean, working?

and yes... she's talking to Twiggy again... it's so fucking annoying... but it seems like Twiggy's grown up a little in the last 6 months... that, or she really wants something from La Sister.

You can never be too sure with that hypocrite.

Native Minnow said...

David Beckham? Are you serious? I was even going to go to Chipotle for lunch. Curses.

AnoMALIE said...

Funny, that's the same thing my little sister said.

Mooney said...

I'd love a yorkie mix, but eh. I think I'll just go for a regular yorkie. I think I might hit up the pet store on Saturnday after work.

Yeah, I try and comment your blog from my phone but it won't send to it. I'm getting annoyed. Haha.

See you tomorrow then! :D The exam itself is $84 (without dilation and extra crap like that).

AnoMALIE said...

Oh, my phone does the same thing. I can't comment anyone, no matter how hard I try.
I was starting to blame Verizon for my woes, but I now see I'm not alone on this one.

Kelley Karas said...

Did you say Crown and Anchor?

Native Minnow said...

Oh yeah, and when I first saw your TATA Boxxxxxx comment I had the thought that if it were spelled TATA BOXXX that it would be a good title for a nerdy porn flick.

AnoMALIE said...

Chase- Crown and Anchor, indeed.
C said around 8-8:30.. I just told him "Well, hopefully I make it."
Mainly because I really don't feel like getting shit faced tonight.

NM- I purposely avoided spelling "Box" with triple X's because I know what type of people triple X's bring (my main e-mail address has two X's in the beginning and it brings me a ton of pain sometimes. I never gave it much thought when I created it 7 years ago).
Nerdy porn flick... I wonder, would they use actual nerds for that one?

Anonymous said...

Screech made porn. Remember that.

AnoMALIE said...

I laughed out loud when I read that last one!
Sure, it made the people at the Fashion Show's food court look at me funny... but I would have injured myself had I held that laugh in!