Monday, March 11, 2013

Fuck 3/11

Again, it's one of those things where so much has gone on... my brain shuts down and I can't find the focus to write anything out.
I have a couple of posts backlogged... one in particular was pretty much ready to go, but after re-reading it, I opted against posting... mainly because it was so anti-girl and it happened to be for March 8th, International Women's Day or whatever. It would have been way too inappropriate, even for me.
I also have stories regarding the parties I went to that night, on the 8th. I went to THREE parties.... after a long day at the gym... OF COURSE I have stories about Friday.
And it's not just Friday... the entire weekend was eventful... I don't know where to start... my brain is overly stimulated.
I'm also pretty antsy because my dad was supposed to return from Cuba last night and we have yet to hear from him... AT ALL.
It's pretty fucking frustrating.

Gimme a few more days. March 11th hasn't been too kind to me for the last five years.
Excuse me.

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