Monday, March 18, 2013


I made the conscious decision to get hammered this afternoon.
There's a feeling of loss, of estrangement, of goodbye... there's an unspoken sadness in the air.
There were many moment of complete silence today.
I cried on two separate occasions as I made an escape to the bathroom to release the tears.
At five in the afternoon, I threw caution to the wind and drank 3/4 of a sangria pitcher-- on an empty stomach.

I was dazed and confused... and momentarily happy... careless... I giggled. But the feeling was once again fleeting. I sobered up in two hours.

The sadness returned. The silence returned.
Everything is so pretty, but I have never felt so detached and... sad... in my travels.
It's the elephant in the room: AnoMALIE is no longer AnoMALIE... She's broken.

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