Wednesday, January 1, 2014

res '14

The mandatory resolutions update.
I love going back and checking how well I progressed with my resolution of the year that closed.
I went easy on myself for 2013, only making a list of four resolutions.
The resolutions were, and I quote:

1. To be nicer, more forgiving. 
2. No "love" or any of that dreamy bullshit. 
3. Action! Drawing, writing, the whole bohemian shebang! and of course... 
4. Travel like a motherfucker!

The verdict?
1. I was somewhat nicer... thought 2013 was also the year where I actually physically injured a bitch at the gym. HOWEVER, as far as being forgiving: I WAS! ABSOLUTELY... without a fucking shadow of a doubt. You have no clue how proud this makes me.
I was offended numerous times, and that shit hurt, some more than others, but clearly I had shitty days where I cried my eyes out... however, I "manned" up and forgave... I MOVED ON.
In Mexico this week, for the wedding, I was placed with the ONE girl I swore I'd never forgive after that ugly falling-out at my sister's 21st birthday-- that very well documented incident. Anyway, I was a fucking adult and fully accepted her. I laughed with her. I hung out with her.
And so... I am a better person, for growing the fuck up and cutting out the resentment shit that helped NO ONE.
This is cool. I'm so happy I followed through... and I didn't even remember it had been a resolution of mine to be more forgiving. What a way for the Universe to test me. Ha.

2. No "love"... or any of that dreamy bullshit. ? Hahahahaha. Ummm... I guess sorta? I'm convinced there's no way I can live life without harboring some sort of crush on a guy... it's just something I've done since toddlerhood. I didn't enter a relationship, so I think I can say I didn't have love. I wouldn't have messed with the dreamy bullshit, either, had it not been for the past week... with this whole shit with the eighteen year old guy... and really, can you blame me? He has a HOTASS body... and he thought I was the bees knees... I HAD to get all dreamy-crushy. HAD TO. It was my fucking duty.

3. Action? Yes, very much so. I drew/painted more than any other year. I really was bohemian, even participating in a stereotypical conversation over wine with fellow artists about "adventures" in their world. It was very Diego Rivera-ish. I also wrote, however, considering I lost it ALL after my computer mishap, I can't consider it a success.

4. Travel like a moterfucker? This will be the spot I also tie in another entry where I mentioned my 13 destinations I wanted to explore in 2013. My list was:
1. San Francisco
2. Los Angeles
3. Boston
4. Chicago
5. Jurez, CH, MX
6. Washington D.C.
7. San Jose, CR
8. Cancun, MX
9. Hometown, MX
10. Mexico City
11. Barcelona, Spain
12. Paris, France
13. Berlin, Germany
Now, I didn't follow through in the sense that I visited those exact cities. I didn't step foot in LA, Boston, Chicago, DC, Juarez, or Hometown... almost half of the list... however, I DID travel a lot.
First, I traveled to San Francisco twice this year. I also visited San Jose. I'm counting it. My list looks sort of like this:
1. San Francisco
2. San Jose, CA
3. San Jose, CR... and this must have a minimum of five cities, since I went to every freakin' state BUT one.
4. Philadelphia... sure, it was the airport, but I visited that airport twice... and I also visited Atlanta, and Miami. So BOOM!
5. Berlin!
6. Paris!
7. Torremolinos, Spain! This is my new "Happy Place" whenever I get depressed and need to envision a pretty place in my mine. I don't know why... but it captivated me.
8. Malaga, Spain
9. Barcelona!! I will always love this place!
10. Cancun! So relaxing!
11. San Miguel de Allende! GOD! Best time of my life!
12. Dolores, Hidalgo! The cradle of the Mexican revolution. Stunning.
13. Guanajuato, Guanajuato! My new favorite city... so fucking gorgeous!
14. Mexico City! I loved it... LOVED it!

I had the opportunity to see other cities, but I was too exhausted or scared to visit. Some of those destinations came as a complete surprise to me-- I would never have looked into them on my own.
Crazy to see how my wish for travel came true.

This time around, I'm going to take it easy and keep my resolution at this:
1. Smile more often. I look like a homicidal psychopath when I'm not smiling.
2. Good vibes. Avoid negativity... especially when I am the one emitting that shit. It's not cool.
3. Muscle. I will build some nice muscle and quit being so lax on the diet. I'm old, I need to watch myself.
4. Learn to take a compliment... and more importantly, believe it when someone compliments me.
5. Make an effort to take care of my physical appearance.... there's nothing wrong with being a girly-girl. It's about time I gave a shit about facials and all that shit.

2014, be good to me... 2013 was beautiful to me, please try follow its example.

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