Sunday, April 22, 2012


All right... originally, I was going to blog something pleasant about Costa Rica, but something just happened that has me fuming and quite fucking offended... to the point where I want to fucking cry out of frustration.

I don't care if this makes me look like a spoiled bitch... or a whiny cunt. Or maybe I just have a fucking point and people will understand what I'm getting at:

I love to donate. I truly do. It's something I do every chance I get. I don't do it because I want ANYTHING in return. I do it because it makes me feel good and because I will ALWAYS try my damn hardest to help someone out. Anyone who doubts that can go get run over by a fucking bus. Eat a dick, you skeptical, critical bastards. The only reason you'd doubt that is because YOU are unable to have those sentiments.
However, it's one thing for me to enjoy donating when I want to, than to have someone FORCE me. That shit DOES NOT fly with me.

Numerous people have this... fucked up attitude when it comes to my family. They feel entitled to my parents' hard-earned money. They try and take and take and TAKE, their excuse being "They're rich! They have more than enough money. They won't miss this. But me, I need this money!"
Umm... hold up, hold up, homie.
That's where I rant.
It's one thing that my family doesn't have to worry about money, and another that we're here to just HAND OUT money like fucking Uncle Moneybags. When it comes to giving, there's one tiny little detail: it has to be of OUR will... not anyone else's.
We help out as much as we can when we see a family in severe need... but we take everything into consideration.
Down on your luck after BOTH of the breadwinners got fired, and you don't have enough money to buy your kids a new pair of shoes? Sure, here's some cash to help you out.
Down on your luck because you spent your paychecks purchasing iPads, xBoxes, digital cameras, the new Jordans, and Seven jeans? FUCK. YOU. Pawn your shit and live within your means, you fucking idiot. 
My parents don't work 12 hours a day for YOU to enjoy their money. Fuck, not one of us owns a fucking iPad!

My latest rant comes thanks to Pocahontas (Teresita) and her husband.
Sure, I am very grateful for the warmth their entire family showed in Costa Rica... but I immediately caught on to a behavior I fucking hated. They were of the "Well, they're rich, they'll pay for everything!" mentality.
And yeah, man, we didn't mind paying for everyone's shit, that was the least we could do as a way to thank them for their extraordinary kindness. We gave away about three grand to the family... but these two ABUSED. They'd go fucking crazy: buy extravagant shit... and a shitload of food! Food that they would DISCARD! Nothing irks me more than when people don't eat what they order.... especially when they order tons of food and only pick at it... then just throw it away.
We're in Costa Rica! Have you not seen the poverty these people live in?! Francisco (guy with whom my folks and I stayed with) gets paid nine bucks an hour and he's the college educated manager at the bank! What the fuck is wrong with you?! EAT THAT SHIT or DON'T ORDER SO MUCH or BRING IT HOME WITH YOU! Don't throw it away, you wasteful piece of fucking shit!
And things in Costa Rica are expensive AS FUCK.
But these two were seriously like "Oh well, they can afford it. God has blessed them."
God. God. God! That's all they would boil it down to.
Yeah, homie, God has blessed us... but the main reason the blessing has stayed is because we've learned to MEASURE OUR SPENDING. We're not the Hiltons, you fucking idiot.
Dad is a sucker for the whole "God has blessed you, brother, and he'll continue to bless you, so spend away!" line.
So here was dad, paying for everything Pocahontas and her husband wanted... mind you, we're their landlords and we've forgiven two-months' worth of their rent.

But I didn't complain. I just rolled my eyes and swore never to hang with them again. I avoid those who take advantage.

Their Costa Rican family I do love. And I feel I'll never be able to repay them for everything they did for me. Like I said, we gifted them about three grand so they could fix their tin roof (they live in a house with a tin roof, just so you can sort of grasp the need of this family. Sure, Fran has a pretty fucking sweet DSLR camera, but that had been given to him from a rich bank customer who lives abroad), so they could buy their girls school supplies and clothes, and so they could cover their gas expenses.
I would have given them more, but they asked us NOT to, since we were their guests. I had to settle for giving them all the accessories I had taken with me: my sunglasses, my hats, my costume jewelry, my beauty supplies... shit, even my gum. I wanted to give them EVERYTHING. It's the least they deserved. I would have given them my shoes and clothes if they would have fit in them (no way they would though, since they're pretty tiny people).

What warmed my heart most was that the family very humbly tried reciprocating. That to me is priceless. Their gifts would be made of... simple materials like wood and paper... and they'd buy me fruit like nobody's business (Oh, granadilla! I still fight back tears when I think of your goodness!)... and that was better than giving me buckets of gold and precious stones.
I don't lie when I say "it's the thought that counts." That shit seriously moves me.

Before leaving, the baby girls gave me a handwritten card, which I already shared, and some jewelry made from coconuts. They gave Mom and Dad a beautiful painting of a Costa Rican landscape, made on a large piece of wood, with a very touching dedication written on the back.
That all went above and beyond... they did not have to spend a dime on us, but they so graciously and humbly did so.

Fast forward to Thursday, when one of the girls FB messages me, and informs me she sent some keychains with Pocahontas for us. She described them in detail, and told me they said they'd give it to Dad on Sunday (today) after church.
They came over a few hours ago, and handed us a small, white bag with the keychains.
I don't like opening shit in front of others-- because I find it to be disrespectful-- so I took the baggie to the kitchen and sat it on the kitchen table.
Mom and Dad took Pocahontas and her family to a restaurant (guess who's paying...), I stayed home.
Once alone, I walked to the kitchen and looked in the baggie...
The girl told me she had sent SIX keychains. How many were in the baggie?
Two. One for Mom, one for Dad.

I very loudly screamed "FUCK! YOU!" and felt like my chest was going to explode.
Yes, I'm ranting over four missing five-dollar keychains.
It's the principle of it.
They were meant for US (they were labeled, for fuck's sake!). This girl spent her hard-earned money on a couple of keychains meant for US to remember her by. How the fuck you gonna appropriate yourself of those keychains?
FUCK YOU, man! Fuck you, you selfish fucking prick.
You wanted keychains? Why didn't you buy them?
It makes me sick to my stomach to think of what the hell crossed these idiots' minds.
They're rich, they're not gonna miss these. Plus, my daughter's gonna love these!
Fuck, man. I'm sick of that shit attitude. God damn it.


I'm sorry, guys... sorry... I'm just so fucking angry and upset. People are such fucking.... they're so... let me just ride this out a bit...


Kelley Karas said...

People are monsters (this last week has pretty much cemented that for me.) Seriously.. I would be pissed off too!
I hate that attitude - you have more.. so uh.. gimme! You know why your mom and dad have more.. I know why my dad has more.... (than other people of a similar age) because they worked for it and saved it. Because they resisted the temptation to spend it all on a shiny new toy immediately. Because they kept their values in line with their family.
You the child, don't even spend it. Why should a 'stranger' technically speaking.. think they have the right?

It pisses me off too.

I don't know if many people have that kind of self control.. and I guess that is the point where it devolves into a political issue.

I may not be personally well off now (I guess with my raise that'll kick in soon.. I'm still better off than the average family (that's another issue and kinda sad... :( ) but I will be in the future, because my retirement account will be kick ass.

AnoMALIE said...

Something's seriously in the air or something... because people are being ridiculously shitty recently! (another one of my friends came home the other night to the scene of his home freshly burglarized... terrible, man!)

I don't know how these people justify their bullshit decision to take what isn't theirs.

off that bitter subject: GET IT! A much deserved raise! Congratulations... even if you will no longer be serving KoolAid, haha