Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Second Chance

Again, I meant to post yesterday, but I was one of the unfortunate souls affected by the huge internet outage.
Right before the internet went down, perhaps ten minutes, I had just finished booking my Paris stay.
To say I was riding an incredible high would be an understatement.
I. Am. Stoked.

My take-home message from my first and only Paris visit: FUCK. PARIS.
But seriously, FUCK staying anywhere outside of the city... FUCK IT. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK IT!
Maybe they're nice to other nationalities, but with my experience, the French really fucking hate Americans...
The older I get, and the more I travel, the more my thoughts sort of align with this... 
I'm a self-loathing American, apparently.
Well, no... not really... though when asked, I first identify as a Mexican.
But yeah, in my travels, I've learned American tourists really piss me off... they're perhaps the most aloof folks of the bunch. Most of the outrageously ignorant shit I've heard anyone say in a foreign country HAS been an American. So... uh... thanks to my passport, I'm lumped in the group (shit, not gonna act like I'm not guilty of saying outrageous shit. I'm a total idiot who has mastered the art of shoving her foot in her mouth).

Anyway, back to Paris, everyone I've spoken to who has visited that shithole has had nothing but rave reviews.
"THEY'RE SO NICE THERE! They actually fight one another to see who gets to help a lost tourist!"
Right. Yeah. Cool. Not in my case. They would have shoved me onto the train tracks had I been thinner. They were rude assholes who didn't give two fucks about three lost, scared girls. FUCK those pricks.
"Well, everyone in the heart of Paris is sweet."
Is that so? Ok, then... I'll give it ONE MORE try. I will splurge... and YOU, fucking Paris, SHOW ME A GOOD TIME... you son of a bitch.

So yeah... I booked a sweet location... and I'm ready for this trip to Europe.
I'm stoked, regardless of how grumpy the mention of that one country might make me.
I'm sweet, so I'm giving them a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance.

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