Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Soy buena onda, lo juro!

"There comes a time when you have to ask yourself, what kind of person are you."
I'm a fucking asshole.
Well... I'm truly a nice person.
I behave like a nice person.
It's really just on here where I let the criticism, rage, racism... the ugly come out. But it's good... because it's the fucking release (after "editing" my friend's book, each time I write or say "release," I shudder. I read that fucking word so frequently... it was what all the sexual encounters ended in... "his release" "she released." Get the fuck out of here... get the fuck out of here. Say "orgasm" once in a fucking while... "Release"... the fuck outta here. I'm the 28 year old virgin here... the fuck are YOU doing refusing to use more graphic language? YOU'RE married!) I need.
It's better I rant here than in person. In person I'll just bite my tongue and walk away.
Plus, I have awesome friends who proceed to talk me out of my many idiotic perceptions/ideologies... will correct me, so technically, this just makes me a better person.

So heyyyy! I'm really truly polite... I'm sweet and nice... but I do need my personal space to go all fucking crazy once in a while. Sorry I subject you poor folks to this side of me... but I'm glad you sort of keep it a secret (as much as you can... because of course I go off and pull a fucking Kanye once in a while), and above all: DON'T JUDGE.

No soy mala, lo juro!

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