Saturday, September 27, 2014

Not in DC!

How a fun day goes shitty:
1. Go to a party, only to keep your non-dancing sister company in the corner.
2.Receive text message from airline informing you your flight for tomorrow has been cancelled. 
3. Be made responsible for the lack of dancing.
4. Sit in the corner for 4 hours, watching your non-dancing sister glued to her phone.
5. Being asked repeatedly if you're "the oldest."

I HATE being considered the old, boring, weird sister.
I love dancing. I love laughing. I love listening to stories.
Sadly, I always opt to keep the weirdo, party-pooper company... Only to be blamed for the depressing behavior at the end of the night.

I never win. I fucking never do.
(At least I got 3 free drinks out of it, I guess)

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