Wednesday, April 4, 2007

It's not permanent... yet.

How am I feeling the day after receiving the life changing news? This sums it up pretty damn well:
Although I'd have to wedge "Fucking" between the "Don't" and "Panic" (and I know that would infuriate some die hard HHGTTG fans in the science department) to stay true to myself.

(To sum everything up that occured today/late last night in a nutshell: my parents are disappointed in my score, and I just don't give a flying fuck anymore. There's no damn way to please these people. No damn way.
"Why didn't you inherit my love for school?! I was almost a prodigy!"
I was seconds away from screaming "You two only went to sixth grade! Of course you did well and loved school! I did too at the age of twelve!" But no, I bit my tongue because it's holy week... and only because)

Wasn't I just talking about ugly tattoos the other day?


Kelley Karas said...

But that's not ugly.. and... I love the movie version of that book. Where's your towel?
except i can foresee scene kids thinking it's... inspired by the local band that Wentz global... you know, that one with the disco!

(I made a scenester pun... oh no.. I'm becoming one of THEM!)

AnoMALIE said...

damn scene kids and their ties around the head (I'll say it once, and I'll say it again: Most fucking retarded thing I've seen in my life)...
P.S. Good pun... but now I have "Le Disko" stuck in my head.

Anonymous said...

You could not be mistaken?