Monday, April 29, 2013

Back at it

Whenever I get in a writing groove, where I try to ignore the bullshit going on around me and just stay writing somewhat meaningful shit, it's always ruined by some fuckhead.
I can't ignore current events for too long, because they start to accumulate until I have to bitch about them on here... it spills over and intoxicates my fucking inspired writing (I know, I know, Easy there, Hemingway).
Dumb, cunt mothers abandoning their toddlers, cousins being hostile, weddings I must back out of and the ensuing awkwardness... travel plans... all of that builds in the back of my mind and make writing anything of "substance" impossible.
I want to sit here and rip to shreds the dumb whore I once suspected of WANTING to desert her tiny family.... and finally DID...
I want to complain about the idiot cousin I so much more idiotically DEFENDED in public, garnering me more "enemies" and ultimately making me look like a fool... and how she's now doing even MORE stupid fucking shit
I want to bitch about the wedding I had to back out of today... and how much of a douchey dickhead it made me feel like...
I want to get intolerably annoying about travel plans to international trip number two of the year... how exhausted and guilty I feel after dedicating an entire day to booking flights and hotels... how scared I feel about somehow managing to fuck it all up.

... Above all, I want to apologize for my mopey behavior...
I'm an idiot, and I should not have subjected anyone to that shit.

I really doubt I'll learn to be a better human... I'm a totally inconsiderate, self-centered asshole.

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