Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No thanks

I will touch this subject as infrequently as possible (because I do mention how this blog isn't supposed to be a downer, I have another place for those thoughts):
Dad is driving me insane!!
I've told him time and time again that what he has is not as terrible as others have it.
I tell him he'll be fine.
And he still freaks out on me!

I could stand the freaks outs if it weren't for two things:
1) He tries to convert me out of Catholicism and into his more rambunctious religion.
2) He tries to convince me to go back to medical school.

My answers?

1) Dad, I'm glad you found a place for yourself... but I enjoy my quiet time with the Catholics. I'm boring and I enjoy sitting in silent reverence to God. It's meditation to me. Plus, I'm sort of a traditionalist deep down inside.
2) No. No. No. Never. No. No. No.
I'd rather do something I love, and I don't love the idea of being a doctor.
Plus, the stress of it all is going to kill me. Don't you remember my vomiting/fainting episodes prior to exams? Do you want me to die?

Yesterday not only did he wake me up early so I could dive him around from doctor's office to doctor's office, but he also kept me up.
He had a freak-out episode in his room, asked Mom to bring me to the room, and then I sat from 8:30 PM until 11:30 PM convincing him he was OK health-wise.
In those 3 hours, I:
1) Brought all my biology books to him to show him various pictures of the colon.
2) Read portions of my bio books to him.
3) Cracked jokes.
4) Watched the Biggest Loser with him and tried to guess how much weight the contestants had lost.
5) Convinced him to eat, since all he had eaten throughout the day was a Pop-Tart and 4 cookies (?!?!?).
6) Convinced Dad he had been feeling "sick" because he hadn't eaten all day.
7) Put up with an hour-long "evangelizing" from Dad. One of the most... uncomfortable things ever... because I hate talking religion, especially with him since we clash in so many points... and because I had to bite my tongue each time he put down another religion, mainly because he's sick and I don't want to aggravate him some more.
8) Learned Dad isn't fond of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons... or Buddhists/Hindus/Muslims.
9) Became frightened with Dad's Fundamentalist Christian ideology... I'm still terrified of it... I'm fucking horrified.
10) Kept Dad from breaking down into tears by being kind of... brash each time he said something absolutely wrong. E.g.
Dad: I'm such a bad man!!
Me: No, you're not! People have taken advantage of you more times than anyone I know!! People don't take advantage of bad people!
Dad: But I do so many bad things!
Me: What?? Do you have another family? Do you do drugs? Do you sell drugs? Do you beat my mom?
Dad: No...
Me: Well, don't say that!!
11) Didn't break into tears. Not even one.
12) Learned Daddy's kind of a bad reader.
13) Learned Daddy's kind of bad with words.

So... final time I say this:
I'm tired.
I'm sort of mad...
and if I ever hear my Dad cry and say "I'm such a bad man! God is testing us" in the same sentence again, I'm going to fucking lose it!
Don't blame God.
It's not so bad.
You're going to live.

Now, onto other, more pleasant news:
I'm jealous of my friend.
She met Diego Luna recently and... ah, what a lucky chick to actually chit-chat with that guy.
I'd be furious if she had met Gael Garcia Bernal. J/k

I'll have my chance come March... but it'll be Cristiano Ronaldo!

Oh yeah, I'm going to Europe sometime in February... coming back... ??
I'm scared... but stoked beyond compare.
More on this later...

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