Friday, November 30, 2007

They keep multiplying

(I'm sitting at a table at a bowling alley, ready to change into some socks, but first I must get the socks from my friend's, AnoMALIE05, boyfriend. Her boyfriend is staring into an endless abyss, I guess, not saying a word)
What are you doing?
AnoMALIE05's Boyfriend: Hold on... I'm trying to take it all in.
Me: What?
A05'sBF: That there can be more than one AnoMALIE in this world and that I'm hanging out with three of them at the same time.
Me: Oh... that.
A05'sBF: I had never heard that name before, until I met my girlfriend. And now you're telling me I'm in the presence of 3? Wow. My head's spinning.
(I sat still, patiently waiting for the pair of socks he was so kindly going to donate to me... for a good three minutes)

That now ranks in my top 5 of "weirdest responses to my name."

Last night I hung out with not one, but two other AnoMALIEs, and our group of friends took full advantage.

We were refered to as "AnoMALIE05," "AnoMALIE04," and "AnoMALIE03" the entire night.
Oddly enough, our high school graduation years go in order like that.

The guys would take turns yelling "AnoMALIE!!" only to have all three of us turn around in unison, completely confused.
How infantile.
I loved it.
Plus, our nicknames weren't as bad as one boy of the group.
When he showed up to the bowling alley, all the guys pointed and said:
"Hey look!! It's Merman!!"
And all of us chicks turned around and wondered out loud,
"WTF is a merman?"
About an hour or two later it hit me.
Oh!! Merman!
He really did look like Mermaid Man, only in a twenty-year-old version.

I blame all these distractions for my all-time low score I've ever bowled in AnoMALIE history.
What was my all-time low score that I've never bowled before, not even when I was 10?
I bowled a 41!

Now, I can't take all the credit, since A05'sBF was partly responsible.
I let him bowl three different frames for me.
The first time he got me a one.
The second time he got me a 5.
The last time he got me a 3.
It didn't help that my first frame I bowled a 0.
And I kept getting one or threes... a couple of fives, and my highest was an 8 at one time.
It was a disgrace.
i let A05'sBF bowl for me because 1) He loves to bowl, and 2) each time he bowled for other people he'd get them a strike.

I'm keeping your socks, motherfucker!!

I screamed at him the third time he bowled me a zero on the first attempt.
I did it in front of a handicapped bowling league (they were all in wheelchairs, some accompanied by their young families) that was having some sort of tournament... and it did make me feel a little bad, but my level of pissed-off-ness far outweighed my level of consideration.

But... aside from all that... I did have fun.
And the day ended with us going out to the boondocks (not the same ones I live in, but in the complete opposite side of the valley) to drop off one of the AnoMALIEs, and seeing a pair of really cute, escaped bunnies running towards us on AnoMALIE05's street.
I would have grabbed one of them (one was albino, the other was half and half black and white--the black being his entire upper side of the body, and the white being his hind quarters) but AnoMALIE05 and her sister convinced me they were evil bunnies who loved biting the shit out of people.

Yes, I'm one of the most gullible humans in the universe.

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