Friday, March 16, 2012

He's not dead

I try not to be that damn girl who lets herself get swayed by her dreams.
I tend to succeed.
But not today.

I blame my dream on the news I listened to before going to bed.

My last summer in Mexico, I  remember being in Hometown when I heard our favorite congressman had been abducted. He was a a young handsome man, a very nice man, and above all, incorruptible. He was our Robin Hood of some sorts.
This, of course, rubbed some people the wrong way... the bad people, to call them that.
Though he asked for bodyguards, the day they abducted him, they took him along with his bodyguards.
This was in 2010. No one had heard from him since... not until yesterday.
The news hit me a little harder than expected, because I knew him personally. I knew a teeny, tiny secret of his: he was having an affair with my ex-boyfriend's married sister.
I was sympathetic to their story, because those two lovebirds had been childhood loves that were separated due to her background: rich, politician's daughter. 
She was married off to a rich dude... forever in love with her childhood BF.
It made me sad to know this guy was now dead (there were rumors of his death in '11, where one guy told us how he was found: his eyes gouged out-- young man had very stunning, sweet eyes. We refused to believe because... that was a terrible thing to do to him).

Anyway, I blame this bit of news for making me think of my ex-- politician's lover's little brother-- and the theme was similar to the news.
In my dream, I was given the news that my ex had been killed in a hate-crime... and I spent the rest of the dream sobbing uncontrollably-- snot all over the place.
When I woke up, I realized: Fuck... I really do love this guy. I'd be devastated if he were killed.
But don't be fooled, I don't mean LOVE love, I mean... the love you feel for family. THAT I can admit. THAT type of love I do have for him.

Guess who's getting a tight hug from me next time I see him?
... I'm SO glad he's not dead.

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