Monday, March 26, 2012

Me and my friend, my friend and I

Ahhhhh, boys, boys, boys.
Such lovely specimens.
I love them, for the most part... then they go do some fucked up confusing shit out of the blue.

I say I dig dudes for friends because they're chill and don't usually allow petty shit get between friendships... as long as they don't enter a relationship AFTER you've befriended them (everyone knows their balls get cut, and they'll disappear until the relationship ends... another curious behavior).
I can joke around about the strangest/grossest shit and they'll be incredibly accepting... and forgiving if I say something a little rude/outlandish. I love that.

Then one day, they wake up on the wrong side of the bed, some chick refuses to blow them... or... anything else that might randomly get them in a bad mood... and next thing you know, they're lashing out at you.
I say this because I've currently fallen out of grace with one of my favorite dudes.
Yes, it was entirely my fault... but it wasn't like I did something out of character.

I like this guy because we have a lot in common. One of my favorite things to do with him is giggle over poor grammar. He's a super stickler... I'm not so much, considering I have shit grammar thanks to my Mexican upbringing and whatnot.
Anyway, I see him correct people and we have a lovely giggle over it.
Considering he's such a grammar Nazi, I banter with him and correct him when he messes up in the slightest.
I have ALWAYS done this.
For some reason, the other day he was NOT in the mood for it... and I suffered for it.
He was commenting on a photo of our mutual friend, and fucked up on the "My friend and I" vs. "my friend and me" dilemma.
His first sentence was ALMOST correct, except for the fact that he placed "My Friend" after "me."
He then went off and "corrected" himself by changing it to "My friend and I."
I then, probably two minutes later, corrected him... quite fucking nicely, actually... and next thing you know, homeboy goes off on me!
That's exactly how I looked. It hurt me. It made me sad. It confused the fuck out of me.
:'( Why are you being so mean? I thought we were friends! I like you, you jerk... :'(
And he went all extreme: He deleted me from his social networking sites!
WHAT THE FUCK?! What the hell is going on? This shit be serious, yo!

What throws me more for a loop is that this guy is chill. SO. FUCKING. CHILL. To see him spaz out like this freaks me the fuck out.
Shit. I must have really gotten under his skin.
So I try and be a big girl, and I go ahead and apologize. You know how hard that shit is for me... considering how much I LOATHE apologies.
Homie straight up ignores me. Acts like I'm invisible.
I thought only bitches did that? I thought dudes were straight up and owned their issues?
Needless to say, this thing is killing me. The thought of offending a dude this badly is bugging the shit out of me. It takes a shitton to piss off a dude (you're not banging) to the point where he doesn't want to speak to you... so I'm baffled.

Hmph. Just lovely.

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