Saturday, December 7, 2013


Today, I was reminded why I've always fucking hated jewelry and resisted buying any expensive shit: I lose EVERYTHING.

Last night was freezing, so I wore a scarf. 
I enetered a bar and removed my coat... and scarf. I did this numerous times.

Cue this morning. 
I feel my right ear-- a sharp object is bothering it.
The sharp metal object, I come to find, is the back of my earring-- that is all that is left of my earring.

$500 sapphire earrings... no longer a pair. 
I fucked myself in the ass by REPEATEDLY REMOVING MY SCARF.
I have never been so angry at myself. Ever. 
I cried... and fought the urge to punch myself in the face. 

Soy. Una. Pendeja. 

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