Wednesday, December 18, 2013

9 days away

Good God... the panic is starting to seep in.
I leave Saturday afternoon... and what do I have ready? Absolutely nothing.
Well, no, correction, I do have my bridesmaid dress ready to go. That's it.
I don't have shoes, or jewelry, or... makeup... or... fuck, dude, I have NOTHING.
I must be the worst at packing.

I'm also a little scared. Just a little.
Ok, no, I find myself trembling when I think about leaving. I'm not cool with this.
On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the MOST anxious, I'm probably an 8 right now, on the social anxiety scale.
I'm starting to think of standing in front of all those people... and I'm not a happy camper.

I am fucking hurting right about now.
Someone needs to slap some sense into me.

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