Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mission Impossible: AnoMALIE Sleeps

Man... someone didn't want me to sleep last night.

I went to bed pretty early, expecting to sleep for as long as my back permitted.
However, once three in the morning rolled around, I knew getting a good night's rest was going to be impossible.

Problem number 1:
I was woken up by the hiccups.

Yeah. This is the second time in my life I have to wake up because I scare myself with my hiccuping.
The first time was in Mazatlan where I slept with three other roommates. That time I woke up to see my very scared cousin hovering over me as she clenched a rosary (if I were possessed, I wouldn't just be hiccuping).
She scared the hiccups right out of my system.

Last night it was around 3:30 in the morning when I woke up because I was so loud... and my chest hurt a lot.
I tried going back to sleep, but the hiccups kept surprising me.
I became so frustrated that I had to sit up and hold my breath about seven times.
I went back to bed at around 4.
Very freaking irritating.

Problem number 2:
At 8 in the morning, I received a call (just when I thought it was safe to leave my phone on all day).
Well, I didn't actually answer.
I didn't recognize the number, so I sent it straight to voicemail.
The phone then beeped because this person left a message.
"Hey, it's Tom," and he proceeded to recite his phone number very s-l-o-w-l-y... like a robot.
Now, I do know a Tom... but he doesn't live in the 801 area (this is the second time in three months I get someone calling me from an 801 number thinking I'm someone else. I'm starting to wonder if some jerk cousin wrote my number on a bathroom stall or something).
I immediately became cranky... cussed a little (fucking Tom... what the hell is his problem? Mother fucker)... and forced myself back to sleep (because while I was busy cussing at stupid Tom, I kept hearing this clicking sound that made me a little paranoid... but I decided to ignore).

Final problem:
It was 11 in the morning when a huge rumbling woke me up.
WTF?! Is Vegas having an Earthquake?!

No. It was my closet.
I've collected so much crap in my closet, that finally, after 8 years, it decided to collapse in on itself.
All my clothes, bags, and other junk in there spilled all over the floor.

That final problem finally made me get up.
Something definitely didn't want me taking a break and snoozing the day away.

Now I can't complain I have nothing to do today.

What a freaking hassle.
It's going to take forever to get rid of some of that crap.

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