Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Violence makes you, like... get wrinkles and stuff

I can't decide which is worse:
A) Having Little Sister--in a fit of rage-- throw a platter of freshly made deviled eggs at me,
B) Having Little Sister transform me into a Laguna Beach/The Hills addict.

The first one happened the other day... I think Monday.

In Mom's side of the family, we have this thing where we tend to lose our head when frustrated/mad/in a hurry/etc. and we get a little physical sometimes... even if it hurts an innocent person (I try to curb this, I swear... I'm saintly compared to Mom and Little Sister. Mom and Little Sister are just... off the wall when it comes to losing their tempers).
Little Sister was running late for work... had to take some food for a potluck at work... and had me wrap the food up in 1)Saran Wrap then 2) Aluminum foil.

Well... apparently I didn't do it well enough because just as I thought Little Sister was in her car and headed to work, BAM! there goes the platter in front of me. Little Sister was in the kitchen, chucking the platter at me, the platter then hit the kitchen table next to me, rolled off, and then I had to clean up the mess before it stained the marble floor (folks weren't home... so I had to do it alone. Cinderella Story... I know. Waa-waa-waa).
I kind of just stood there like "WTF, bitch? Want me to fucking knock you unconscious? What the hell is that, animal?" (I'm sure Cinderella answered like that to her stepsisters from time to time)

Then, yesterday... I guess Little Sister was in a reconciliatory mood, because she invited me to her room to watch season one of Laguna Beach which she had just received in the mail.
I, being a forgiving idiot, went in... stayed there... and watched it all.
I found myself choosing sides between girls and blah, blah, blah.
I think I enjoyed the damn thing.
It's horrible.

Chase pointed out that watching the show makes me lose 2 IQ points for every... I think she said hour.

So... while getting shit thrown at me only makes me angry... watching Laguna Beach and The Hills makes me stupider... and I'm sure much shallower than I'd like to be.

To be violent... or to be shallow... that is the question.


Mooney said...

LOL. I can only imagine her throwing that. Damn our family's anger issues.

The Hills/Laguna Beach? Oh dear...what has she done to you?!

Part dos of my post coming up soon.

Mooney said...

Ah, I also just read your post about the eyebrow thing. Remember when I had thin eyebrows. I fell into that trend too and once I saw my prom pictures, it looked as though I had no eyebrows. So I opted into letting them grow out. Now I am proud of my eyebrows, my friends say that I look better with thicker brows. My mom is grateful that I have thicker brows. She didn't dig my phase. I happen to like your eyebrows. Don't go changing them! They set your personality apart. It gives you character. You aren't one of the stereotypes. *punches hand in the air* Power to us! LOL