Monday, April 28, 2008

As long as it's free...

Yesterday afternoon, as I stood around waiting for my friend to come by and meet me for the Tina Fey movie we both wanted to watch because "I love her writing!!", some woman approached me about a free movie screening coming up this Thursday.
I accepted... of course... especially since movies nowadays cost 10 bucks after 6 PM and this bitch is gonna be at 7... and I got four free tickets.

However, I almost didn't accept.
What made me accept?
Not knowing which movie I'm going to watch.

"I can't tell you which movie it's going to be, all I'm at liberty to say is that it's going to be one of the summer blockbusters this year. Still interested?"

Hell fucking yeah, I am, now that it's a coin toss!

I HATE blockbusters... like... hate with a passion.
It's usually one of the number one reasons I'm glad to be in Mexico for most of the summer.
(I AM guilty of watching Transformers last year, however... and War of the Worlds back in '05... but they all have reasonable explanations)

BUT! The other day, that I once again went to the movies (fuck, I'm picking up the habit again!), I saw something that made me feel, well, bad:

The new Hulk Movie... plus Edward Norton... equals Edward Norton as THE HULK.

Jigga wha.... how the... you're telling me... Edward Norton actually agreed to do this?
WTF? What happened to America while I was gone?
You know I gotta see this now, right?

So... when this lady approached me about "a summer blockbuster" I quickly weighed the pros and cons of the situation
Well... I AM going to Mexico an entire month earlier than last year... and... Edward Norton made THE HULK... and I'm NOT giving them any money... ok... let's do it.

Nothing about my agreement bothered me, because I kept thinking about other possibilities, and none bugged me too bad.
Hancock? Ok... Will Smith is cool.
That one movie Mooney wants to watch... something about Twilight or whatever? Whatever... if she digs it, I don't see a problem... as long as it's not J.K. Rowling related... cause I hate that pompous bitch.

Then last night it came to me like... a... really bad nightmare:
Iron Man.

I'm screwed.
It's gonna be Iron Man.... 'cause, with my luck, that kind of shit only happens to me.


Kelley Karas said...

Sex and the City.

Native Minnow said...

There are a few summer movies that I'm looking forward to (Dark Knight, the new Indiana Jones, etc.), but none of the movies you mentioned are on that list.

My son, however, is really excited to be going to see Iron Man with one of his friends. I guess there is an audience for that after all - 11-12 yr old boys.

AnoMALIE said...

Chase- I REALLY hope it's Sex and the City... then The Hulk... then... it doesn't matter.

NM- I totally forgot about the new Indiana Jones movie, I must add that to my list.
... is it just me... or was that comment of yours a little on the snotty side?
First you deflate my excitement about Rome, then my movie selection...
Are you finally learning how to be mean to people?
(Helpful hint: Next time, try and channel that emotion when dealing with those drunk girls you can't seem to shake off at parties)

Mooney said...

Let's just say BURN!! Lol.

Twilight is a vampire serie I'm stuck on. I kinda thought it'd be HP. I really want it to be Batman.

AnoMALIE said...

Damn! All these movie choices! I totally spaced out on batman as well!!
Ok... my number one pick is officially changed to:

The Dark Night!

(Christian Bale... hell fucking yes. And not to mention Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker. That's going to be some intense stuff)