Monday, October 10, 2011

Trapped in A BOX!

Overworked and underpaid.

My day didn't end until about 7:30PM today, after having started at 6AM.
I wanted to stab drywall after about five hours.
I know I said I loved my coworkers, but there's one bitch that can't stand me. For some reason, she has taken it upon herself to make my day turn to total shit.
Initially, I was scanning three boxes a day.
Then this bitch stepped in.
Apparently boxes full of binders are "too easy."
She made the manager hand me more difficult boxes... boxes with countless random, loose shit like ASTRO TURF and DRYWALL INSULATION and CARPET SAMPLES.
I'm talking boxes that take NINE HOURS to scan completely.
I spent ALL of today, NINE-STRAIGHT-HOURS (no lunch-break, mind you), scanning the items in ONE FUCKING BOX.

I made sure to occasionally take time from staring at my computer to glare directly at her.
You fucking BITCH.
She even followed me to the bathroom when I took my ONLY bathroom break of the day.
Wanna get in the stall with me, make sure I'm really pissing and not just... spitting into the toilet or shooting up in the stall, you fucking cunt?

I was fed up by the time Musketeer left, but I had a couple of folders left, so I stayed.
I finally gave up when I saw newspaper pages were the only thing left.
Fuck newspaper, bro, no one needs newspaper. I need a fucking carrot or some shit right now before I start going cannibal on your asses.

The day didn't end there, since I had to run pre-trip errands, which elongated my day AND starvation for a few more hours.

I'm fed now, not too well, but I got some protein and veggies in my system. It's off to round two of my pre-travel bullshit before I go to bed.

Two thoughts are keeping me from giving up: DC is SO CLOSE! and YOU'RE GETTING A MOTHERFUCKING iPHONE! WORK, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!


Kelley Karas said...

Perhaps she is jealous of you. On your last day you should tell her what a delightful person she is.

Kelley Karas said...

Also continued no doubt references :)

AnoMALIE said...

I'm pretty sure she just wants me to look as bad as possible so the managers don't even think about possibly hiring me full-time in the future. Besides Kyle and his friend, everyone else there is Filipino... all of which are related. It's ridiculous.

And No Doubt only becomes more relevant to my life as I get older! :)