Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Reds and pinks and whites

It's the first of the monnnnnnnnnnth!

I associate two things with February:

  1. The colors red, pink, and white.
  2. Love/Happiness.

The first is a weirdo thing I do with months thanks to my elementary school days. I remember being freakishly attracted by the class calendar; I always looked forward to seeing how my teachers would decorate the damn thing.
Thanks to this, I always associate certain colors to months. I'm sure I'm not alone in my color-association game... especially with assigning February with the color red.

The second, well, no fucking shit. That's engrained in our heads since pretty much birth.
We have lovely Valentine's Day to thank for this.

Now, I can take the bitter route, which I usually do, but this year I want to change it up.
Last year was my Pity-Party Year. This year is my ENJOY BEING ALIVE, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE! Year.
I'm making a conscious effort to be a much more pleasant, happier person.

Last month I tried achieving this by letting the past go.
I wasn't overly successful in this endeavor... but I did do a decent job.
I also only cried twice... that's a vast improvement from any other month last year, where I'd cry at least once a week.

This month, I'm going to be happy. Smile. Not shit-talk the month's activities. I'll seriously celebrate love. Seriously.
And I'll have festive nails.

I'm going to fix myself. Promise.

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