Monday, June 18, 2007

Mistake number... *&%#$@!!!

If there were an award handed out for Person Who Fucks Up, I'd win it, hands down.

I mess up all the time, but this time I may have just ruined my Mexico trip...
My bro's gonna be mad at me... big time.

Hijo'e su chingada madre... cómo soy buena pa' joderme la vida!

Maldita imbécil.

I could have avoided this... but nooooooooo... I had to be playing around with Youtube and Rick Martin videos... a true procrastinating idiot.

¡Quia! ¡Pendeja!

(this is the time where someone would get a tight grip on my shoulders, shake me, and scream "Reeeeeeeeeeeelaaaaaaaaaax!" in my face. Maybe even add a slap or two... if necessary)

I had totally forgotten how bad Frazier Hall (FRA) makes me feel (I held back gags while in there... and I almost asked Chase what my name was. I HATE that place!).

I don't know who's more condescending, the people in the Bio building or the people in that damn Enrollment services place.

At least they didn't call me "Melodie" in the FRA... how many Hispanic girls have you met with the name of Melodie? How many Hispanic, Senior Biology-majors at UNLV have you found with the name of Melodie?
Yeah... that's what I thought, bitch ass secretary in the Bio building...

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