Friday, June 15, 2007

My talk about Ricky irritates Youtube

Man, I keep looking at that video over and over again after finding it on Youtube. It had been years since I had last seen it (I'm thinking 1997).
Hahaha. You gotta give it up for the Mexican actors in there (well, Mexican music videos in general... they're a trip!).
Kate Del Castillo gives "crazy" her all. haha.

Talk about doppelgangers: In my early teen years, Altar Boy's family once had to tell me that I looked like her. I say "had to" because they took the time to wait for me after church one day and then had Altar Boy's little brother (he was 5 at the time) tell me that I looked like "Ana"--Kate's name in the soap opera in that time. Supposedly he was the one who made that association and then wouldn't stop bugging his family about "Mira Mami! Es la niña que es novia de Nacho!" Altar Boy's family from then on called me "La niña que se parece a Ana" AKA "The girl that looks like Ana," (a lot better than "La niña que es novia de Nacho," 'cause I ain't no Nacho's girlfriend) which only pissed me off 'cause I was like "Yo! I have a name! Your son and I have had a thing going on since fourth grade and you have the balls to call me by another name?"

Seeing the video reminded me of that moment in time.
It would have been cool if they called me that because Kate's ass is... out there man... I wouldn't mind being associated with her because of having a similar big ass... or muscular legs. But I'm pretty sure they made the correlation because of the eyebrows (because I know I don't have an ass or legs like that).
No, my eyebrows are NOT crazy like that. No. Not at all (that thought might have had something to do with my unbelievably thin eyebrow phase of the late 90's-early 2000's. I in no way wanted to be associated with that type of brow line).
But I can sure as hell mean-mug people like Kate does in that video... and I would be 100% down with kicking some ass like that (you see how she flings that vase at Ricky Martin?! I keep replaying that part thinking "Shit, man, that's badass!" Seriously, she's freakishly strong. Ricky wasn't faking it when he was trying to hold her down with little success. Those petite Mexican girls, I tell ya, you gotta watch out with them. I know, my Mom's one).

Also, it was thanks to that video that I stopped liking seahorses. Something about that video just made my mind go "Alright, dude, I'm done with those little creatures... done."

Another thing: if Ricky ever grows a mustache like that again, I'm boycotting.
That was horrible.

And now, the lyrics... because I learned a magnificent word thanks to this video, Osadía (and here you thought I only listened to Ricky Martin because he's a hottie. Think again! He gives me good Spanish lessons--because in all reality, I speak like a Mexican hick):

Antes de que empiece a amanecer
Y vuelvas a tu vida habitual
Debes comprender que entre los dos
Todo ha sido puro y natural

Tu loca mania
Has sido mía
Solo una vez
Dulce ironía
Fuego de noche, nieve de día

Luego te levantas y te vas
Él te está esperando como siempre
Luces tu sonrisa más normal
Blanca, pero fría como nieve

Tu loca mania
Has sido mía
Solo una vez
Dulce ironía
Fuego de noche, nieve de día

Y mientras yo me quiedo sin ti
Como un huracán, rabioso y febril
Tanta pasión, tanta osadía. Oh, tú

Fuego de noche, nieve de día

Noche a noche en blanco sin dormir
Ardo entre los pliegues de mi cama.
Se que estas a punto de venir,
Pero solo viene la mañana.

::sigh:: I love that song.
I promise this Ricky 101 phase of mine will pass... once I see all the youtube videos necessary to satiate this hunger for Spanish-singing Ricky Martin.


Native Minnow said...

How can you dislike seahorses? They're so cool.

AnoMALIE said...

I know, I know, seahorses are rad (I used to say I wanted my husband to be like a seahorse... in parenting skills, that is. I wouldn't mind if he was capable of giving birth to the kid, either, but I guess things don't work out that way for humans).
I just associate seahorses with insane-asylums now (and bloody sinks) thanks to that music video I watched as an 11-year-old.

...Mom should have never allowed me to watch Univision at such a tender age.