Tuesday, August 17, 2010

En una de esas...

I need to get in the habit of avoiding third-world countries.
But it's SO hard...

I had never dealt with a parasitic infection... I mean, a parasitic infection as an adult. I have a faint memory of being nearly deathly-ill as a two year old, along with my three year old brother. We were both sick as hell, and while I could walk around moping, crying, and hiding behind sofas as mom searched for me to "fix" me (insert the doctor-prescribed suppository [Worst. Feeling. Ever.]), my brother was not so lucky. He would be lying in bed, too dehydrated to move or cry, and only uttering "Ya dejenme morir!!" (Just let me die!)

Twenty two years later, I finally caught a case of worms as an adult, back in December. Something that was fixed around my birthday... with home remedies.

NOW, on my second week of vacation, I was lucky enough to catch a mild case of Giardia.
I begged to be cured then and there, since Mexico is packed with anti-parasite meds. However, it was recommended I hold off another week, until I'd be back in the US. Once home, I could "deparasite" myself with these magical pills (cartoons of giardia, tricha-whatever, and other worms, on the box. On commercials it has a catchy jingle: "Si tu sientes que te pica la colita... en una de esas, tienes lumbrices." I was curious, ok?), but only a week after being back.
You can always catch another case while still in Mexico, so just wait until you've spent a week back home... a month would be ideal.

Fuck. That.
A month? Who the hell do they think I am? Maybe they can put up with an extra month of giardia holding a rave in their gut, but I sure can't.
So today, exactly a week after coming back, I grabbed the two pills they gave me and I popped them in (orally, FYI).

Now I have a sweet ass headache going on... I feel the room spin once in a while... and I lose my train of thought every other minute.

That'll teach me to eat pulled-pork sandwiches while in Mexico... I should have stuck to my usually kosher diet.
And next time, I'm drinking soda... fuck this "I'm only drinking water" bullshit, sugar withdrawals be damned!
Next time... like there will ever be a "next time"... no, wait, there is... I have to get my wisdom teeth puled out in December... what a vicious cycle.

I can't think, my brain hurts. Let's hope I'm alive tomorrow.

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