Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I've been having some information-overload days recently.
I have no clue where to begin, so I don't say a thing.

My mind isn't here.
I've also been working hard at undoing the weekend's dietary damage.

But the main story is this:
MGH cheated on his girl while he was in town last week. He fucked numerous girls.
He told her about it yesterday... and a fucking bomb went off.
I was swept in the mudslide... as hard as I tried clinging to stable ground.

When MGH was here at the start of the month, I semi-jokingly pointed out a very skinny white girl who happened to be using the crosswalk as I drove the guys to a restaurant.
Me: Hey, look, MGH! Una guera desabrida! Como las que te gustan! (A bland blondie! Just like you like 'em!)
This was after the drunk scene he had in the car, after Jose mentioned how he didn't like Heather because she was mean to MGH, after MGH said he was single.

This last week, he continued with his... odd treatment of me. I can't really describe it... it was just uncomfortable. It's like... he was trying to... make up for the pain he caused me in the past. He was... taking it all back. Being the guy I WISHED he would have been back in '09. He was just trying really REALLY hard.
But it was like he was trying on a brick wall.
I treated him like a little brother.
I'd catch myself giving him my "pity look." My heartbreak look... the look I gave my TV while watching "Milo and Otis" and "The Bear" when I was a kid (those movies where the fucking shit, but man, did they make me cry!).
All I could really think the whole time was
I'm sorry...

So, as I watched him self-distruct over the week, I did what I've always done when I see him caving to his vice: I walk away.
Instead of arguing with him, or pleading with him to please stop drinking, I just suck my bottom lip, look him in the eye, shake my head, and walk away.
Your choice. It will always be your. choice.

Well, this approach is what got me in the middle of the breakup fight.
Apparently I "didn't do enough to prevent it."
Wha...? Since when am I his mom?
MGH isn't making the accusation, actually he's down in the dumps right now... damn near suicidal... considering himself a worthless piece of shit.
It has also been implied that perhaps it was really just ME he cheated with...
?!? I don't even know where to start... ?

Instead of joining the shit-talking ranks, I've told him the truth:
The shit was already broken. You never would have cheated had your relationship been solid in the first place. SHE belittled YOU first. SHE hurt YOU first. The relationship was dysfunctional. Period. The outcome was not going to be pretty. Cut your losses, apologize--BOTH of you-- and move on.

So... yeah.
That has been my last day or so.

HA! ME have control over MGH's dick... I can't control his fucking mouth, much less his other head... not that I would WANT to. 

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