Friday, September 30, 2011

That's Mah Purse... I don't know you!

My apologies for any past, present, or future sentimental posts.
These weddings that took place in the last week have my feelings all fucked up.
It's like, metaphorically speaking, I dug into my luggage-sized purse in search for my car keys. I turned that motherfucker inside out and some gum wrappers/tampons/loose Tylenols turned up from the very bottom of the purse (did I just call my sentimentality a gum wrapper? A tampon? Sure did. Not because I think it's unimportant, but because I don't think very many people want to hear that part of me... since I do tend to keep it very private. Who I like, why I like them, and how I like them isn't something that will normally come up in conversation, so I tend not to write about it either... and when I do, I'm left feeling kind of stupid/vulnerable).
Sorry about that... but I'm sad to report I can't promise it won't happen again.
SO... if you don't like it... MY BAAAAD!
Now I'm off to the Friday night races.
(I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be action packed with blog-worthy shit... for ONE, I might be helping Musketeer and his wife move out of their apartment. The story on how I volunteered is interesting, but I'd rather not share for fear of being considered a bad friend... which I kind of am, since I don't mind talking shit about Musketeers wife. I only hate because she hates on me first... but if I were a good person, I'd ignore her and stay quiet. But no. I don't do that)

"Te adueñaste de mis pensamientos, de mis sentimientos." See, told you.


Kelley Karas said...

Is it talking shit if the person... isn't really your friend.. rather someone you attempt to tolerate? A question for the ages. But then again, I'm not a good person and will never claim to be.
Also, it's not like there wasn't an attempt at friendship that just kept being rebuked multiple times.

My poor brother is a super emotional wreck right now.. his '(now ex) 'girlfriend' who he has supported in every way possible (finances, making her get a ged, go to college, etc) cheated on him for months in his own house while he was working overtime... to pay for everything she wanted/needed :( Guess trash never gets clean.

I'm sad that two of the people I really care about (you and my brother) are dealing with odd feelings.

AnoMALIE said...

:/ I'm sorry to hear that. Oddly enough, when I first met her, she kind of... gave me a weird vibe. I say you tell me where I can "accidentally" bump into her so I can let out some of this pent up aggression...