Monday, January 30, 2012

Nostalgia monster

Last night I suffered a severe nostalgia attack.
I wasn't trying to be nostalgic... I wasn't suffering from any sort of mood swing issues... I was good (well, ok, I was still a little scared from the tattoo incident).
Then Lau posted a video on my timeline (I like saying that instead of "wall." Loser status?).
That's where I lost control.
I was reminded of the existence of... shit, you can call it "evidence" of the summer of '08.
The good, the bad, the ugly of the summer of 2008.
Videos, photos, stories.
Everything posted on photobucket.

I was laughing, smiling, and eventually crying.

That year... that fucking year... was... the most GLORIOUS year of my life.
Started the year freshly graduated from college... traveling to Europe... being allowed to (pardon the trite metaphor, but you have no idea how true it rings with me) FULLY extend my wings for the first time.
It was magnificent.
Then the summer came and I went away to Hometown. It was the best summer of my life.
Drinking, singing, dancing, laughing, "ghost-hunting", out-running rainstorms, weddings... the emergence of the MGH-AnoMALIE duo.
I still think back and wonder if it ever really happened... because it was a fucking postcard of what a young-adult's life should be like. So carefree and wild... something I had never experienced.

Then the August clash.
However, as uncomfortable and hurtful as those events were at the moment, I learned from them.
I learned humility, that I had to shut the fuck up sometimes, and how to apologize.
September and on was spent getting engulfed by everything MGH-related. My love affair with San Francisco began.
That year ended with me swallowing my pride, forgiving AND apologizing.

All these memories rushing at me thanks to a fucking video. The tears attacking me thanks to a stupid video.
The video reminding me that Mexico will never be the same... reminding me that those beautiful days have ceased to exist.
Words cannot describe how much I LOATHE the motherfuckers responsible for wrecking my sweet "rinconcito de cielo."

But... I must say... I will forever remain grateful for the wonderful time I DID get to spend in Hometown.
My heart will forever swell at the mere thought of those moments.

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