Thursday, January 24, 2008

A New Prohibition

My dad "prohibited" jalapeños today.
He also prohibited tomatoes.
... and chicken (?!?!?)
... and onions.

Because they "irritate the sites of his biopsies."

Three biopsies that were done in his gut...
back in November.

Now I know where I get my hypochondria from.
As far as the prohibition goes...
Hell no.
No. No. NO.
No. No. No. Not gonna happen.
No one takes away my jalapeños.
I'm not going to pay for someone else's inability to control themselves around food.

Little Sister... whenever you feel sad and homesick over there... just... read the type of shit I'm going through over here... then slap yourself for being so silly.

Me estan volviendo loca!!

1 comment:

TravelinDin said...

hey you'll be living like me with no you need the no tortillas. is mom actually allowing this bullshit?! what are you gonna eat? i know he said no potatoes too haha