Sunday, January 27, 2008

OG-EBT Differentiation

Yesterday, EBT came over to fix this little problem:
Mom wasn't home, and Dad was... being his hypochondriac-self.
Dad would leave me alone with EBT for half-hour intervals... while he "did stuff."

Seriously, WTF is up with that? They won't let me go to the damn library with some guys, yet they'll leave me unattended for hours with another.

Whenever Dad would be in the kitchen with both of us, he'd throw these really suggestive glances at both of us.
I was sure he was going to mention something when EBT and I, very innocently, began to talk about the 5 summer weddings that'll take place this year in "Hometown."
EBT and I were talking about how crazy it was that 5 chicks were getting married in a matter of 3 weeks (and how creepy it was that 3 of them are his first-cousins... leaving him to be one of three people left to get married in his entire family), then about how we think we'll never get married (not to each other, but just... in general).
I had to throw Dad my best "DDDDDDON'T YOU SAY A WORD, DAD!" stare.

Aside from talking about the weddings... we didn't really say much. We had this very awkward silence thing going on. He'd be working on the floor, I'd be acting very interested in the Winter X-Games and whether or not Lindsey Jacobellis would fuck it all up again this year (she didn't).

We did have a few other memorable exchanges, like:

EBT: So... how are you enjoying your time away from school?
Me: It's weird...
EBT: What are you now?
Me: I'm... not really anything... I just got a degree...
EBT: Yeah, but in Mexico, when you finish a degree you're considered to be, well, that.
Me: Oh... well... I guess that makes me... a biologist. (internally) Oh my God, that sounds so fucking cool.

We smiled. I smiled because I liked the sound of that... he smiled because I'm sure I made a very stupid face, and of course, because I was so hesitant to admit I am a "biologist."

EBT: So, AnoMALIE, do you like going to Mexico, AnoMALIE?
Me: Yeah. I love it.
EBT: If you could pick one place to hang out all summer, where would it be? Hometown (which is tiny), Santiago (which is the nearest "large" city), or T* (nearest "little city" which is also the municipality "Hometown" belongs to)?
Me: Eww... Santiago? No. No way... I love Hometown.
He looked pleasantly surprised.

EBT: Really? I'd imagine you would say Santiago... with its party scene... the park... the fair...
Me: Oh, don't get me wrong, I love all that, and I do participate in it when I go... but overall, I prefer to just stay in Hometown... it's... relaxing.
EBT: That, it is... So... what do you plan on doing with your degree?
Me: I don't know... I'm just...
EBT: Did you like messing with chemicals... learning about elements?
Me: Yeah... I loved that stuff.
EBT: When I was in school, I had to take two semesters of that, and I hated it! I just couldn't learn the stuff... maybe it was the professor... maybe it was the experiments... I just couldn't learn that stuff... every other subject I understood perfectly.
I smiled.

EBT: Yeah... and that's why now you have me here, an illegal, working on tile, right? What good did school do for me?

That last little exchange made me feel sad for him.
The most I could do was smile like a dumb ass and say something to the effect of "Nah... don't say that..."

This made me notice the marked difference between EBT and Obnoxious Guy (not even considering that EBT and I once had a "thing," and OG and I had nothing more than a middle-school-FRIENDSHIP, where he'd ignore my 6th-grade ass each time his dumb ass 8th grade peers were around):

EBT's pretty humble... and he's crazy smart (regardless of the fact that he now works on floors with a degree in business administration). Also, when I talk to him, I learn new phrases (in Spanish, of course). He's very respectful of the girls he is in company of... and when he greets the opposite sex (you know, how it's customary with Latinos... with a hug and kiss), he doesn't go over the line in his... touchy-feely-ness (the most I'll get is a squeeze to the shoulder... or an "air kiss").

Obnoxious Guy never STFU, he's cocky like a mother..., he constantly COMPLAINS, he is constantly trying to shove his way into my personal life ("So, any boyfriends?" "So, what kind of guys do you like?" "So, are you ready for marriage?" "Why don't you have a boyfriend?" "WHAT KIND OF GUYS DO YOU LIKE?" "Do you want a boyfriend?"), he thows not-so-subtle hints that he wants to hook-up, and when we greet (goddamn, he too is a Latino) he straight up gropes me and presses my chest tightly against his (I tell myself he's like Lennie Small and can't measure his own strength... that, or he wants to save me the money/hassle of a monthly breast-health check-up).

Maybe all Obnoxious Guy needs is a little extra time... maybe when he's 28, he'll learn to be a little less pushy/annoying... and just be a friend like EBT... who understands that NO means NO.

Who the hell am I kidding... OG will never change.

P.S. Boy, did I piss him off last night because I didn't want to go to the movies. But, whatever... I've already been called a cunt... I kind of already lost my sensitivity to the word.


TravelinDin said...

aww he went to the house & you were left alone. did sparks fly again??? ahahahahaha jk!!! how awkward. was that the tile in the kitchen infront of the fridge? it must suck for him to be fixing shit at a family friend's house. oh well lol

AnoMALIE said...

yeah, he fixed the wobbly tile in the kitchen.
He seemed to be pretty embarrassed, especially after I walked out of the office and he was like "Umm... I'm full of dirt.."

No... no sparks flew... but we sure had fun gossiping about the weddings.

Mooney said...

If you knew what was going on...

AnoMALIE said...

Just remember: I'm always down for a cry-athlon (or just chick time)!
Especially now, that I'm free as a bird (sort of).

Mooney said...

Well its not necessarily to cry about...I am in need of older sis advice...about the jock.