Saturday, October 20, 2007

It goes something like this...

It really sucks when I can't get a song out of my head.
It sucks worse when I don't know the title of the song.
It sucks most when the song I've been humming for the past 5 weeks is a classical song whose origin I have no fucking clue about.

Person 1: What's the name of the song?
Me: I don't know!!!
Person 2: Well, where'd you hear it?
Me: I know it was in a movie... and they played it 5 weeks ago during relaxation time in Yoga... and that's where I got this damn thing stuck in my head.
Person 1: So why don't you ask the instructor to tell you.
Me: What do I say?
Person 2: You can start by saying some of the lyrics. Didn't you try googling any lyrics you remember?
Me: It doesn't work when it's classical music. What, should I go up to the instructor and go "Hey, what's the song title for the song that goes 'Taa-rara.... ta-rara'... that's all I know." I'll look like a crazy idiot.

I'm ten seconds away from driving my ass to a music store, buying a new bow and E-string, and just playing the damn song by ear on my violin.

It's driving me insane!


Mooney said...

I was actually going to ask you about your violin. Jaja.

Hmm...I wish I could help you out with the song.

Native Minnow said...

Try this then:

They did the Mash
It was the Monster Mash
The Monster Mash
It was a graveyard smash
The Monster Mash
They caught on in a flash
They did the mash
It was the Monster Mash

AnoMALIE said...

Mooney, I'm going to get back to my violin, I promised Chase I'd do that. Pretty soon I'll be back to annoying the family with my rendition of Christmas songs.

NM... you jerk. j/k
You're so retarded, it's cute.