Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lucky Ducky... or not.

OK guys, I'll come clean:
I haven't been entirely truthful about something.
Today I get to rock this:
That's right. I'm getting married.

Hell fucking no.
But I am wearing that.
I get to spend my day doing one of my most loathed activities, and that is to attend a wedding. A Chunti wedding, of all things.
That's where the ring comes in (thaaank you, HnM).
Had it been a normal wedding, I wouldn't have busted out the cheap jewelry. However, since this is a chunti wedding, I have to pull out the big guns.
Guys at these things are hard-headed as fuck, and they will not take "No!" for an answer.
Guy: Quieres bailar? (Wanna dance?)
Me: No.
Guy:... porque? A poco tienes novio? (... why? You actually have a boyfriend?)
Me: Yup.
Guy: Donde esta, no lo veo? No esta aquí, no te puede ver... entonces, bailamos? (Where is he? I don't see him. He isn't here. He can't see you... so... shall we dance?)
Me: No.
I've just adopted the "look-at-my-ring-finger" method. I've been "engaged" since I was 18.

I'm going to the wedding to show my support for a cousin who... hasn't been the luckiest person on Earth.
Poor guy was dealt a bad hand from the moment he was born, and he just hasn't been able to pick himself up. Well, NOW is when he's trying his best... since he was locked up for all of his 20's. Now that he found a girl whose willing to overlook his shady past, he's trying to do everything right.
I'll always root for that sort of thing... blame it on Edward James Olmos and all of his cholo movies from back in the 90's.
Anyway, as much as I want to show my support of this guy cousin of mine, it's just inevitable that I'm going to have to deal with the chuntis. That's why, instead of being my typical cunt self, I've opted for the ring, so I can send the guys a silent signal of "No. Not interested. Ever."

(This didn't work out for the church portion of it. OF ALL PEOPLE, my cousin's DAD--aka the groom's father--was the biggest fucking creeper who kept looking down my shirt and... just kept trying to FLIRT with me... being a total creep. Fucking DISGUSTING. I HATE dirty old men. Ridiculous idiots)

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