Sunday, November 6, 2011

Don't try

Long post or short post today?
I've been slacking... severely. For that, I'm sorry. It's days of missed opportunities of writing something... memorable? Useful? Something like that.
It's not for lack of inspiration, it's more like... an inability to stay awake long enough to write shit up. I'm just unusually tired as of recently, so all I really want to do is pass out on my bed.

But now that I AM alert and in an unusually good mood, I'm drawing a blank.
Je ne sais pas quoi dire.

Think I'll just let good ol' Bob Marley take it form here, guys.
Happy Fall-Back! I sure as fuck enjoyed it... and I even acquired a quote from my favorite priest (yeah, I went to church today for the first time since that Bubblegum Debacle. It was the perfect day to return, too... though I made my official switch to English ONLY mass now. Sorry, Spanish, we had our 26 year run).

"Trying. Never. Works. You either DO IT or you DON'T. Don't try-- COMMIT!"- Father Dave.
(Just what I need. Admittedly, I'm a dreamer... and often get swept away by my stupid feelings and bouts with depression. I often complain when people of strong character--like my mother-- try and snap me out of my funk. They are stern with me, but it's what I need. I need someone to grab me by the collar of my shirt, shake me around... and if need be, even slap me once or twice. I need that strong, authoritative presence in my life to keep me walking upright and not doubled over in defeat. This priest's words were just that... the metaphorical slap to my face)

Oh yeah, back to Bob Marley.


Anonymous said...

that's a damn good quote. Bob Marley was a pretty smart fella, apparently.

AnoMALIE said...

it'd be fucking awesome if he were this enlightened when faded. haha