You're mysterious, sensitive, introspective, and creative, with a tremendous capacity to understand or reflect the motives and dual nature of others. You are good at keeping secrets, and prefer to leave something to the imagination, rather than putting all your cards on the table at once, but this may be the result of being unsure or guarded about your own agenda or identity. You may have mood swings, and go through surreal phases or cycles, causing others to see you as inconsistent, romantic, gossiping, or irrational, but you trust your unconscious, and accept that the only constant thing about you is change.
You may be lousy at keeping secrets, have issues with women, sexuality, or esteem, but others may see you as solid, dependable, or rational. You might try to avoid extremes or put on a sunny face by day, but the night brings wild passion, sleeplessness, depression, loneliness, fear, or irrational thoughts about your identity. You may go through phases where your judgment is clouded by delusion, desire, lust, or attraction, or you may feel neurotic, unstable, or out of control. You might take pride in your ability to uncover hidden motives, spoil surprises, or reveal tricks or rumor, but this may be an attempt to distract from your own reflection or lack of imagination. There is light at the end of the tunnel once you are on the right track, or have dealt with these mental or emotional issues.
This year your convictions, determination, character, and courage could be tested through an inordinate number of challenges, and you'll come to understand that setbacks, suffering, or loss can either make you or break you. With perseverance, you won't let anything hold you down or cause you to give up, and you'll discover great inner powers of persuasion. You might have more responsibility or obligations than others over the course of the year, but how you handle them could make you an example of willpower and dignity, as well as an inspiration to others. This year, you'll have little tolerance for those who don't take responsibility for their lives, who blame bad luck, make excuses, or have a victim mentality, but learning to express compassion, especially when you think you're the only one going through difficulties, will be the greatest show of strength.
This year, jealousy, bad luck, shame, blame, insecurity, or a victim mentality could reflect an inability to accept responsibility for your choices or decisions. When things don't go your way, you might resort to threats, violence, retaliation, revenge, or other strong-armed tactics of manipulation in order to get your point across, or to get even. Becoming too controlling, getting into people's faces, talking over others, or going "off" on them, will only push them away, show a lack of self-control or willpower, or cause others to question your self-respect, while playing to the crowd could turn the situation into a circus. Your character and courage may be tested over the course of the year, but "what doesn't kill you," could inspire positive transformation.
Ayyyy güeyyy!
That is some creepy shit... but right on the money.
Happy birthday to me... in 59 minutes... ?