Monday, May 21, 2007

Décolletage (Look AWAY from the Mexican!)

Man, being a girl's tough!
You have to do things like... make sure your shirt and shoes match... and also make sure you're not trashy, but classy when picking out a serious outfit.

I had an outfit picked out for tomorrow... but it seems my bust has grown just a little since the last time I wore the shirt (ok, ok, it was the summer of 2005 when I wore it last... sue me) and it is now a little too... décolleté: "All right, already! I'm a stripper! What else am I supposed to do with these things? I paid a lot of dough for 'em, I'm a Vegas native, so I'm going to parade them!"

If only I had the balls to say something (slanderous?) like that in case someone confronted me about my choice in shirt.
Nah, instead, I'm going with a plain black tank, a khaki blazer, and dark jeans with black wedges.

Oh well, my stripper story will have to wait.
But hey, yey, hooray! Court room story for tomorrow!


Kelley Karas said...

How went court?

Native Minnow said...

Court room story? Does this have anything to do with that dead hooker I found in my closet?

AnoMALIE said...

court = bad, annoying, waste of time, eternal!
I don't wanna go baaaaaaaack!

NM: You had one too?!