Monday, February 4, 2008

Gearing Up

I canceled my phone's Internet service on Saturday.
It's only my 3rd day without it, and I already miss it like crazy.

I also changed my text messaging plan (hijole, TravelinDin, el muchacho que nos atendio la utlima vez nos atendio el Sabado, y se recordo de nosotras. :) Es tan simpatico ese chavo)... but Obnoxious Guy will NEVER know of this... never-fucking-ever.

Anyway, Lent beings on Wednesday... so right now... I'm swearing it up like a sailor.
Once again... and I do believe this marks my tenth year doing this, I am giving up cussing.
This time, however, I will attempt to accomplish such feat by broadening my vocabulary.
I'll also brush up on my Portuguese/French skills.
I'm going to be one boring little girl.

May God help us all...

P.S. I feel miserable right now... do you know how bad it feels to stifle a cry for two hours? Sheesh! That's what I found myself doing all throughout Atonement last night. Now I feel this heaviness in my chest... and my throat hurts. I'd still watch the film, however... repeatedly... until I would find it pointless to cry... kind of like I did with Pan's Labyrinth... although I'm sure if the timing is right, I'll still shed a tear with PL.
P.P.S. If my mind serves me correctly, I do believe today marks my one year anniversary with this blog.
I'm still not attached to it like I am to the other one... and I'm pretty sure it won't last me nearly as long.


Mooney said...

I am eschewing guys.

TravelinDin said...

dude! they have atonement here....but i forgot what its called...ex something lol....i cant believe you went without me! lol

they're barely showing juno here lol...BEST movie ever!

Kelley Karas said...

... hmmm.. for lent I'm giving up being angry on the road. Will I shatter your time for breaking my resolution? Probably. Probably by a thousand fold. They don't card at the four aces.. you guys should have come! We actually sounded good last night. We played a lot of pool too.. god I suddenly suck a it.

AnoMALIE said...

Mooney- For the last 10 years or so... I've been doing that as well. Haha.

TravelinDin- Dude... Atonement is fucking... amazing. A trip... just how I like 'em (you know how I'm always pissed off with happy endings? Well... this one just made my fucking day... then I felt bad for a couple of hours)

Chase- Damn, I had totally forgotten about that resolution... I'm adding that one as well... because I'm sure I don't look cute while I yell obscenities at other drivers.
Well, that one Myspace bulletin confused the shit out of me because it brought up the whole "21+" thing... so you know I'm a wimp with that stuff, and I opted to not tempt fate... so I watched a really sad movie instead.
I'm sad knowing there were games of pool being played... I love testing my skill against other folks (which my skill is shit compared to most).

AnoMALIE said...

P.S. Chase, I remembered, my record for breaking my Lent promise/resolution/whatever-the real-term-might-be is probably fifteen seconds. I got the little ash cross on my forhead, walked outside the doors... walked maybe five more steps, then scream "You motherfucker!!" at my brother because he punched me.
So... I guess you'll have to say "OK, I won't get angry on the road..." then drive... and try to get angry in a matter of 10 seconds or less... feat I'm sure can occur... considering all that fucking construction on WS!
Good luck!