Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Para Llorar, Vol. 3

Ok... so in honor... of it being hump day... and that today's a very important day for the Dos Santos clan's pocket... here's part 3 of my
List of SAD Spanish Songs:
(Yep, still same rules)

Hey- Julio iglesias
"Yo se que a ti te gusta presumir. Que a tus amigos les dices que sin ti no podré vivir."
"Ya vez, tu nunca me haz querido, ya lo vez. Que nunca he sido tuyo ya lo se. Fue solo por orgullo ese querer."
"Es siempre mas feliz quien mas amo… y ese siempre fui yo."
(I never thought I'd have one of his songs as a favorite, but this song's pretty badass. Just your usual upset dumpee, who basically tells his girl "Yo, I knew you never loved me, I know you told everyone that you had me wrapped around your finger, but guess what! I was happy that way!" No, wait, what?)

La Muerte Del Palomo - Rocio Durcal (I really like Yuridia's version)
"Solito quedo el palomo, ahogándose entre sollozos, pues ya no puede llorar."
"Pobrecito del palomo, cansado esta de sufrir… y mirando para el cielo, a Dios le pide su muerte, que así no quiere vivir."
"En llorar, en llorar, en llorar. Desde que te fuiste se le fue al palomo en puro llorar. Por llorar, por llorar, por llorar ya no puede ver, ni puede volar. Se acerca su muerta, esta agonizando de tanto esperar. Morirá, morirá, ¡morirá! Morirá el palomo porque así es la muerte cuando ay soledad. Mirara hacia al cielo, te vera volando, te dará las gracias por esos recuerdos. Y al cruzar las alas que te cobijaron ahogara en sus sueños que no despertaron."
(So, what do I like in songs? Metaphors. What do I like more than metaphorically infused songs? Songs where the metaphors are about birds! Ok, I'll admit, in that damn Notebook movie, I cried in the end ONLY because of the bird thing... but in my defense, I've had that bird issue since childhood. OK?! Anyway, this song is about a "bird" and how he's miserable after his whore partner leaves him. Now all he does is cry. He can't fly, can't see, can't be a damn bird because he's too damn sick and tired from crying all the time. I know I'm not the only person out there who has cried so much, to the point where her eyes are almost swollen shut... right? Maybe? That's what I thought)

La Otra – Benny Ibarra
"Es otra piel la que acelera mis latidos. Es otra mi inquietud. Es la otra, no eres tu."
(Bastard of a song! There are more lyrics, but they make me so furious! Basically, it's a duet between a man and his wife. She's pleading with him that although she knows he has a mistress, to please stay with her and the kids... in their "nest" [bird reference again!]. What is his response? "Bitch, get out da way!" Actually, I'd take that way before the bitch crap he says... so harsh... "It's anothers skin that accelerates my heart-beats... it's 'the other one,' not you." Well... you motherfucker... ::elbow to the mouth:: hope that makes your fucking heart skip a beat... bitch! Hey, I never said the sad song had to make me docile and teary-eyed...)

**Me Da Igual – Camila
"No me importa donde estas, con quien sales, con quien vas. Ya me da igual."
"Si no quieres verme más, hazte a un lado, pero ya no me dañes mas."
"Tanto tiempo te espere, tantas noches te soñé. Solo en sueños te bese y en tus labios me quede."
"En cambio tu apagas mi luz sin mirar atrás."
"Hoy yo lo que quiero es despertar y borrar todo lo que fui… pensando que serias para mi."
"Me cuesta tanto asimilar que todo lo que vi es real… me tengo que alejar. Siento ganas de llorar, no lo puedo soportar… me cuesta respirar."
(Ok... so I really like all the lyrics in this one. Bascially, this guy is telling the girl "Do whatever the hell you'd like, I don't give a damn... just get the hell away from me." I love this song... mucho... especialmente por algunas cosillas que he pasado ultimamente)

Mediodía – Café Tacaba
"Parece mentira, que entre tanta gente en esta ciudad no tenga a nadie con quien compartir la vista desde mi casa este Sábado al mediodía."
(This song is absolutely lovely. Makes me smile bitterly. This guy's describing the scenery from his balcony one Saturday afternoon in Mexico City... it's vivid and he really does take you there with only words... then he laments not having anyone in this huge city to share such a wonderful sight. Sigh. Yes, there are plenty of people like you, señor)

*Mientes Tan Bien - Sin Bandera
"Que te quedaras conmigo una vida entera; Que contigo, adiós invierno solo primavera; Que las olas son de magia, no de agua salada... Yo te creo todo, y tu no me das nada."
"Que si sigo tu camino llegare hasta el cielo. Tú me mientes en la cara y yo me vuelvo ciego. Yo me trago tus palabras, tú juegas un juego… y me brilla el mundo cuando dices 'luego.' Cuando dices 'siento,' siento que eres todo, cuando dices 'vida, yo estaré contigo.' Me tomas de mi mano, y por dentro lloro. Aunque sea mentira, me haces sentir vivo. Aunque es falso el aire, siento que respiro."
"Mientes tan bien, que me sabe a verdad todo lo que me das. Y ya te estoy amando. Mientes tan bien, que he llegado a imaginar que de mi amor llenas tu piel. Y aunque todo es de papel, mientes tan bien."
"Y aunque todo es de papel, mientes… lo se."

(This guy's telling his girl that he knows she's a liar... and that's she pretty damn good at it [he gives lovely examples, like the line that says something like "Even if it's false air, I feel that I breathe." Sounds way better in Spanish]. And while he knows she lies, he still believes her. Dumbass. But I'm sure we've all been there, done that when we meet someone we really like... that we convince ourselves that maybe they're... not lying.)

No Sirve De Nada – Ricardo Arjona
"Descubrí… el llanto que escondes de tras de esa sonrisa de casting barato."
"Y ¿de que me sirve? No sirve de nada."
(Another lovely angry tune. I like the first lyric because I too give off a "cheap casting smile" when I'm upset. Anyway, this is sort of a cynical song... point of it being that everything he gets from her "Isn't worth a damn." "It doesn't serve me any damn purpose.")

**No Volveré - Various Artists (I enjoy Cristian Castro)
"Cuando lejos te encuentres de mi, cuando quieras que este yo contigo, no hallaras ni un recuerdo de mi ni tendrás mas amores conmigo."
"Yo te juro que no volveré aunque me haga pedazos la vida."
"Si una vez con locura te ame, ya de mi alma estarás despedida."
"No volveré, te lo juro por dios que me mira. Te lo digo llorando de rabia: ¡No volveré!"
"No parare hasta ver que mi llanto a formado un arrollo de olvido anegado, donde yo tu recuerdo ahogare."
"Fuimos nubes que el viento aparto. Fuimos piedras que siempre chocaron. Gotas de agua que el sol reseco. Borracheras que no terminaron."
"En el tren de la ausencia de hoy, mi boleto no tiene regreso. Lo que tengas de mi te lo doy, pero yo te devuelvo tus besos."
(Song so freaking great, that it serves as my ringtone. It's one of the best "Angry Mexican Macho" songs out there [of course, girls have taken to singing this, especially when they're pretty PO'ed at a guy for being a douche]. I mean, if a dude told me this, I would bawl my eyes out for a couple of weeks. Basically, the guy is telling the girl he's never coming back, then he goes off and tells her how he's going to forget her [he's pretty mean]. My favorite line, which is underlined, mentions how he won't stop in his efforts until he sees his tears have formed an overflowing river in which he will drown the girl's memory. I mean, come on... how often do you hear something like that being said? The guy was PISSED and injured in his macho pride when he wrote this! I love it!)

Nube Viajera – Alejandro Fernández
"¿Donde estas? ¿Que cielo cruzas sin extrañarme, nube perdida? ¿Por que no vienes a iluminarme?, luz de mi vida. Regresa pronto que yo no vivo si no es por ti."
"¿Donde estas? Detén tu vuelo y vuelve a casa nube viajera. Por una sola de tus caricias todo lo diera aunque volvieras de nuevo a irte lejos de mi."
(Yep, you guessed it, METAPHORS! Haha. He's calling the chick a "cloud" since she comes and goes like one. I love it for the words... but, especially since this guy's voice is so hot. )

Para Que Me Quieras Como Quiero – Ricardo Arjona
"Podría dibujar, a cien años luz, la mueca que pintas cuando llegas."
"Podría caminar en el fuego para que me quieras como quiero."
"Pero soy el cero en tu izquierda, tu coartada. Tu fusible siempre en reserva. No tengo nada. Quiero ser el truco en tus trampas. Quitarme el miedo, jugar tu juego, hacer lo que no puedo, para que me quieras como quiero."
"Podría soportar la calamidad de ser el juguete de tu juego."
"Te quiero como quieres, me quieres como puedes-- no quiero seguir queriendo así."
(So this song rocks. Point of it is the guy likes the girl more than she likes him, and he's suggesting things he could do for that to change, you know, be a little more equal)

I'm almost done with this list! I will have to get it done by the end of the month... you know... since it's February... and I don't want to drag this into the best month of the year: March!
That would just be depressing.
(And talk about depressing: I still don't have water at my house!!!)


TravelinDin said...

stop it with your songs! haha jk...just more songs to dl if i dont have them on my ipod :]

let me know how things went yesterday...i might not get online today, i might actually go out with my roommates today, aunque me valen madre...

ps; la primita favorita que no tiene cerebro me quito de su top friends en cabrona sabe lo que hizo! hahahahahaha what-the-fck-EVER! lol

AnoMALIE said...

... What was I supposed to do yesterday? I... forgot...

Oh.. and as for la prima favorita, she took me off too.
Waaaaaaaa! I'm so hurt!

(Man, it sucks that I had just mentioned how "She's so sweet and innocent, blah blah blah" to my mom a couple of days before the stupid ass drama began.